Chapter 27

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"The good times of yesterday will become the sad thoughts of tomorrow".

~Unknown .


Asad woke up with a throbbing headache which made him angry.

'Kaduna and it's nightmares'... he thought as he walked into the bathroom to perform ablution.

He then prayed and proceeded to take his bath.

As he stepped out of the shower, he rapped a towel around his waist.

Just then a knock came in.

"Come in"... He stated as he watched the door open revealing Aneesa clothed in her pajamas with food on a tray in her hand.

"Good morning"... She greeted , she then took notice of his state and shyly looked away.

"I.. I am sorry"... She turned to leave.

"Wait"... Asad halt her in her tracks.

Aneesa turned back with the food but avoided his gaze.

She stared at the ground as usual.

"Can you give me 5 minutes?"... he asked politely and she nodded in response.

"S..s..sure"... Aneesa stammered and rushed out of the room.


Anas was lying down peacefully on the hospital bed

There was a drastic improvement in his condition and he was healing.

His heart beat was back to normal and so was his breathing.

Certain parts of his body had healed like his hands , his internals and many more parts but some parts had little bruises.

Anas turned his head from side to side and his eyes instantly flutter open.

The lights in the room stung his eyes making him close them.

He then heard voices.

"I am going to travel to Kaduna this evening"... Kamal spoke.

"That would be great".. Big boss responded.

Anas was displeased by this.

He knew Kamal worked for big boss and that's why he always tried his best to keep Asad away from Kamal by always spending time with him.

Kamal wasn't always like this.

Anas would know. As he was stalking Asad during his childhood stage, he usually sees Kamal feed Asad and play with him when his mother wasn't watching.

Kamal use to be a very king and generous person. He couldn't even hurt a fly. He was different from his siblings and that was what made him unique but as time went by big boss came into the picture.

Kamal was disappointed when his mother was put behind bars but he told himself that she deserved it.

She maltreated Asad in the worst ways and upon that , she took part in Asad parents' death so Kamal couldn't blame Asad.

Sometimes he would go to the prison and find his mother being tortured and that usually shatters him and each time he asks the police to stop , they would say they are following Asad's orders.

Kamal would leave the police station heartbroken and go back home only to find his siblings doing crazy things and his father was always no where to be seen.

Kamal's family began to fall apart.

Growing up for Kamal in Kaduna became harsh and so Kamal gathered up the little money he could find and took the next flight to Lagos to start a new life.

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