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chapter fifteen
"i think ive had enough."


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rue felt horrible for speaking to elena as she did

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rue felt horrible for speaking to elena as she did. she knew elena had no malicious intent, but she knew that elliott did.

she felt horrible in general, considering everywhere she went she had ended up hurting the people she loves.

elena was caring for the bennett girl, as if she was her sister - so it hurt when rue had told her she regretted meeting the walsh girl

ever since things went down elena hadn't seen any of the three - her time being spent with maddy and kat.

actually none of the past group had been hanging out at all. rue was back home trying to get better, elliot had been ignoring jules as much as possible, and jules was busy being a backstabber.

elena's phone had been filled with missed calls from elliot and rue, but she chose to ignore them. she ignored every call she got that she got, except for the call she received from jules.

elena had been hanging out with maddy, who was in hurt from betrayal which was elena was going through as well.

but she didn't tell maddy or anyone in fact about elliot and jules.

jules had found out that elliot had told elena about them, and jules wanted to try her best to explain everything to the girl before she told jules.

so the vaughn girl had planned for the two had meet at a diner, that was even if elena had showed up.

elena was beyond shocked that the girl had wanted to talk to her, as if there was anything to explain.

she went nonetheless, she wanted to hear jules pathetic excuses and attempts to rekindle their friendship.

the vaughn girl had been sitting at the diner for at least thrity minutes, she began to doubt that the walsh girl was coming at all.

but as if her thoughts were read, elena had appeared in the door - her nostrils flared as she scanned of the girl with a sigh.

jules offered her a apologetic smile to which elena didn't return, instead she knitted her eyebrows in confusion and in disgust.

jules covered her hurt quickly as the girl walked over, seating herself from the blonde girl.

silence took over the two as jules cringed as she tried to form the right ways to say to elena, but nothing came out.

"what did you wanna talk about?" Elena spoke up in annoyance that jules had called her here and hadn't even thought of a shit way to "apologize".

"i just wanted to..." jules muttered as elena studied the girls nervous expression. "to apologize, for doing what i did."

"he told me you were upset, i was confused because i thought you guy's weren't together." she spoke carefully before elena interrupted her.

"it wouldn't even matter if we were, you're still fucking wrong because you're with rue." elena spoke in a matter of factly tone while jules knitted her eyebrows together.

"i know, that's why im apologizing." she shook her head with a smile. "rue was right." elena scoffed as she snapped her gaze towards the girl across her.

"you kneel for any person that shows you the slightest amount of attention." she spoke harshly which caught jules by surprise.

"why are you pointing me as a bad guy? its not even like you and elliot were close to being together." jules spoke in genuine confusion as she laid back in the seat.

elena gawked at the girl, she was so fucking inconsiderate.

"you are so fucking selfish, jules. you knew that i liked elliot or how rue would react that the person she loved the most chested on her with one of her closet friends?" Elena ranted as she took a deep breath.

she felt a sudden urge to defend the bennett girl even if they weren't on the best terms.

"me and her are over, you were there elena. jules replied nonchalantly as she shrugged - her salty tears begging to spill from her eyes as she remembered the previous events.

elena shook her head at the girl, how thick was her fucking skull.

"you are fucking dead to me jules, dont fucking call me with this fucking shit." elena spoke as her tone was thick with venom, beginning to angrily walk away from the girl.

jules had lost all three of her friends in a three day span - but let's not lie, she deserved it.


𝐓𝐄𝐄𝐍𝐀𝐆𝐄 𝐃𝐈𝐑𝐓𝐁𝐀𝐆, 𝐞𝐮𝐩𝐡𝐨𝐫𝐢𝐚Where stories live. Discover now