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𝗰𝗵𝗮𝗽𝘁𝗲𝗿 𝘁𝘄𝗲𝗻𝘁𝘆
"𝗌𝗁𝗈𝗍𝗌 𝖿𝗂𝗋𝖾𝖽"

𝗰𝗵𝗮𝗽𝘁𝗲𝗿 𝘁𝘄𝗲𝗻𝘁𝘆"𝗌𝗁𝗈𝗍𝗌 𝖿𝗂𝗋𝖾𝖽"

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"helena had always felt as if she needed to be perfect - something that we both had in common

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"helena had always felt as if she needed to be perfect - something that we both had in common." spoke the confident voice of lexi to the crowd.

"helena, huh?" elliot teased the girl quietly as he sat beside her, their attention on the action that folded out infront of them.

as lexi spoke three girls, including lexi, were on the stage - the three representing lexi, rue, and elena.

"smellyiot." elena poked him playfully. "really clever, huh?" the boy breathed out with laughter silently as he tried to get the girls pokes off of him - to stop the laughter that her touches were causing.

"i think before high school we should think about all the things we don't like about ourselves... and then change them, so we can be, like, like, different, cooler people."

the three were set near, which elena recognized as, on the roof of fezco's gas station.

"i don't think we need to be cooler." argued the girl that represented rue. "Well, we should at least try and know what's cool." elena's look alike interjected.

" Yeah, but that shit, like, changes all the time. " continued the voice of jade.

" That's what makes it hard to follow. " helena reasoned with jade, her face had a confused expression.

elena smiled to herself at the scene, the memory was so clear in her mind.

the three girls had been on their way to being freshman on this day, much simpler times.

"Yeah, but I think it's a good thing." continued jade in a tone that seemed like she didn't really get why either of the girls cared about being cool - perfectly how rue acted at the time.

"jade was the first person to make me feel like it was okay to not be cool, i wouldn't say helena felt the same." spoke the worried voice of lexi as the lights began to dim down as it pointed to lexi.

"as time went by, helena began to turn just like sister - hot, popular, and cool." lexi sighed out as a older and more glammed up version of a girl that looked like elena walked out.

she shifted uncomfortably in her seat, but she couldn't tell if it was the fact people saw her that way or just because her best friend saw her that way.

"but, deep down she was still that thirteen year old girl sitting on the roof of that gas station." as soon as the words exited her mouth, the stage had turned pitch black.

elena had never thought about the fact she had been changing herself for others, it didn't matter if it was her appearance or the way she acted.

she noticed that she had always been a people pleaser.

"you okay over there?" elliot took notice of the girl's sudden nervousness. "i just gotta go to the bathroom." elena quipped as she began to walk to the nearest exit - this catching rue's attention.

as rue was about to go and see what was wrong with her friend - she stopped as she saw elliot trail after elena with a concerned expression.

"elena!" shouted the worried voice of elliot towards his girlfriend, making her stop in the empty hallway.

"Elliot, im fine." she turned around with a sigh. "we can leave if you want." elliot offered to the girl as she leaned against the locker behind her, the boy now infront of her.

elena didn't want to hurt lexi's feeling by leaving, lexi most likely didn't mean any harm.

"what if lexi says something bad about me? what if everyone believes it and like you look at me differently?" elena over thought as the previous scene from the play filled her mind.

elliot shook his head with a scoff, there was no way anyone could make him think differently of her.

"so what? you're still my elena, idiot. i don't care about what they say." he reassured the girl as their eyes connected, making her try to fight the defeated smile from her lips.

"you, also, look really great tonight - so i think it would kinda be stupid for you to go back to my place, like we always do, and not go back in that theater with your beautiful face and have fun." he reasoned with a head tilt before she gave him a side smile.

"shut up!" she smacked his chest, which made him surprised. "so now you're boyfriend can't compliment you?" he faked shock as loud music began to come from the theater.

"just c'mon." she shook her head with a teasing smile, grabbing the belt buckle of his pants to drag him in the room they were previously in.

"oh, wow." he mumbled in shock at the girl's sudden change in attitude. "after this, we can hang at my place right?" he gave the girl a sensual smirk, which made her return with fake dumb look.

"hm, maybe." she intertwined their hands as they walked into the theatre, but when their eyes met the stage - they were beyond shocked to say at least.

ethan - who was playing nate was literally taking part in a gay guy's dream. as the two took their previous seats, elena noticed the heated look on the jacobs boy's face.

the lyrics of "i need a hero!" played throughout the room, which made elena freeze in shock.

"oh my god." elena smiled at the performance, elena knew about Nate's denial of being gay - but never in a hundred years would she have expected for lexi out of all people to expose him.

"you're a fucking g, lexi!" shouted the familiar voice of maddy, which made elena find more humor in the situation.

"fuck." muttered the angry voice of nate as he walked past elena - his face being red as a tomato.

and of course, wherever nate goes Cassie follows.


so, everyone is just finding out nates gay?" elliot joked to elena who looked at him in disbelief. "you knew?" elena gave him a confused look, she didn't think rue or Jules had told him anything that important.

"c'mon, its obvious." he shrugged before pulling the girl closer to him with a grin - it was safe to say the two were beyond amused by this play by now.

⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧ ⋆

star speaks🎸

sorry 4 this being so short sad this book will be ending soon - very mad that these mfs take so so long to release seasons.

their may be 2-3 chapters left of this until s3, but vote and comment thoughts of this chapter!!! 💌

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