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chapter eighteen
"watching you"

chapter eighteen"watching you"

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"i think im actually hitting it off with fezco

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"i think im actually hitting it off with fezco." lexi gushed to the brunette girl seated across from her in a quiet tone, the two currently in the howard's family's living room alongside suze who was in the kitchen hiding the knives.

"wait, since when have you and fezco have been talking?" elena spoke back making sure to keep her tone quiet - just in case any of the remaining Howard women had decided to interfere with the conversation.

"since the new year's party." lexi answered quickly as her cheeks filled with a crimson shade. elena looked at her in excitement and shock.

elena hadn't been caught up with lexi ever since the revealation of cassie and nate's affair. so, she couldn't decline seeing her favorite girl before seeing rue.

"oh, shit. wait, am i the only one who knows about this?" elena beamed in happiness for lexi. she knew lexi wasn't the one to ever get hit on - which was fucked up because elena had always thought lexi was beautiful.

lexi and fezco were a unexpected duo, but they were also so similar. they were outcast, little bit weirder than a normal person would be, and just were the best people to be around.

"yes, which is why you cant tell anyone." lexi huffed out, turning her gaze towards her mom."he said he's coming to the play." lexi continued.

"im so excited for the play, cant wait to see what it's even about." Elena grinned at lexi. lexi hadn't told anyone about the plot of the play - except for the people actually starring in it.

"hon," spoke up the voice of the older howard woman, her words directing her words to her daughter. "take these in the back and hide them in the bushes." suze instructed with a knife holder filled with knives in her hand.

her words caught both of the girls off guard. why would the knives have to be hidden?

"you really think cassie's gonna kill herself?" elena spoke up this time, her tone laced with worry and confusion.

𝐓𝐄𝐄𝐍𝐀𝐆𝐄 𝐃𝐈𝐑𝐓𝐁𝐀𝐆, 𝐞𝐮𝐩𝐡𝐨𝐫𝐢𝐚Where stories live. Discover now