Chapter 10. "You call it Faith, I call it Bad luck"

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Do not dwell in the past,

do not dream of the future,

Concentrate the mind on the present moment

- Buddha

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*This is a rather long chapter (I know) but just hang in there, you'll be rewarded with lots of Jeff soon. I promise >:)

This chapter is also Dedicated to my great friend @saraerika . If it hadn't been for you, this story probably hadn't been published in the first place, thank you :3


"Wow, what a hell happened to you there Nora?"

Jessica stared at Nora, frankly so much that students began walking slower just to eavesdrop a bit on their conversation. Nora had returned to school since it would be too conspicuous if she'd taken more days of than just one. At least that's what she believed. But, she found it much harder to concentrate in the lessons and on the teachers than she first expected it to be. No matter how much she tried her thoughts would always wander back to the happening that afternoon and yesterdays happening in her home.

He knows where I live...

After yesterdays occurrence with, Jeff... she couldn't help but wonder how on earth he did get inside her house. However, once she figured it out she nearly had a panic attack and had to rush out from the classroom and have some minutes to herself in the restroom. He must have sneaked inside right before my dad left home because his cloths weren't wet, meaning- He'd been in her house for several hours, while she was sleeping.

Nora did her best to shake the potential sight of Jeff leaning over her bed while she was sleeping, staring at her with those eyes and that nightmarish grin off her. Going back to school felt like a smart choice. However, she'd completely forgotten about the band aid that was covering some of her temple and cheek on her left side of the face. And now she'd to come up with a "natural" explanation to it all. Sigh.

"I tripped and fell right into the front door" Nora said before she looked the other way, trying to avoid Jessica's intense looking.

Jessica raised her eyebrows. "You tripped and fell into the door?"

"Yeah... well the doorknob actually" Nora said a bit nervously.

Please Jessica, just believe this or else -

"Well I supposed I shouldn't be surprised you doing something like that. You are after all quite clumsy"

Wow. If it hadn't been for the fact that Nora's friends' lives were on the line she would have argued like crazy with Jess right now, telling her that she was anything but clumsy. But she didn't. Instead she just gave Jess a smile before they walked to their lesson. Perhaps, her plan actually could work. However, there was one person who could put them all in a dangerous situation if he figured out she was telling a lie and that her scar in fact was caused by a knife.


I just got to avoid him, it can't be that hard I hope -

"Hey Nora, Jess wait up!"

Oh for fuck sake, why?

They both turned around and was greeted by Jim who came running at them with a book in his left hand.

"Morning Jim, having some more theories you want to share with us or?" Jessica asked him uninterested before her attention fell back to her perfect fingernails.

"Actually I do have a couple ones - "

"I was kidding Jim, if you as much as tell me one more of your theories I'll rip my eyes out"

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