Je vais bein

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I'm okay with anyone leaving...

so you could never threaten me

with your absence.

Because honestly,

No one has ever truly loved me

And I know this

Based on how they choose to treat me.

So whenever you say those words,

I know their worth.

You're just being polite

And sometimes it feels kinda nice,

But it's alright

if you're no longer by my side at night.

I would've liked for you to stay,

But you're happier when you're away

So I thought it'd be best

if things remained that way.

je vais bien,

I don't need closure

from a heart that stayed closed.

I shared my feelings expecting warmth,

But received a cold in return.

They say you get what you give

so it was just my turn.

I'll find the time to rewind my mind

to when you weren't in my life.

But je vais bien,

As I watch you go,

I reminded myself,

I was born in the womb alone.

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Je vais bien = I'll be okay/ I'm alright

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