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That was just a thought
a diluted assumption
I'd rather fall asleep
Than to go to these functions

They think I'm depressed
I'm just suppressed
Of these bottled emotions

The confusion is growing
and I'm searching for clarity
I'm trying to be rid of this vanity

They gaze upon me
and see me worthless
And useless

Why don't they see the worth in me
That I see..
that God sees?

Is it because they have earthly eyes?
What makes her fairer than I?

Who are you?

To break some one down like this

I ask again:

Who are you?

To have me still venting
into these empty pages

How dare you?

I thought I was free
But I'm still imprisoned
In these stoned cages

Don't get it misconstrued
I don't miss you
Screw you

The person I'm trying to forgive
Is me
I'm begging for my souls forgiveness
For offering you my time
For wasting my time
With a scum like you

I guess I'm still paying for my sins
The aching within
It never ends

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