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I guess living without a purpose
Could be a constant hell
Every morning,
And every night.

The question mark on my life
Is the ghost that always haunts me
Till dust,
Till dawn.

It's a painful reminder
That I'm nothing but a flower,
Waiting to grow and blossom
Just to get plucked out the garden.

But what if I'm nothing but dead weight?
What if I don't blossom like the rest?
What if I'm the only one left?

Would you still wait on my growth?
Or would I already be too old?

They said sunshine comes after the rain,
It's been nineteen years,
And it's still pouring
And I'm so close to drowning.

I feel an aching in my bones
And it reaches my soul
I'm yearning for relief
But peace don't come easy
and neither does sleep

What pills have no side effects?

Find one and bring it here
Find one and hold me dear
Find one and watch me force it down
with my endless tears

What's the purpose of having a purpose
if death do us part?
Is it for me to wander the land in search for my heart?

My core reason of existence
Is you.
It will never be me,

and I could never see you
Until my eyes shut forever.
and I could never be with you
Until I'm down to my last supper.

You're speaking to me,
And I can't hear any noise
But I'm still listening.

You're preaching to me,
And I'm receiving
But the lights are dimming.

You're giving me love,
And I'm returning
But it's not progressing.
So let's end this session

I guess living without a purpose
Has me breathing without a reason
And has me longing every season.

In search for answers
I don't deserve
But it's driving me insane
And no longer feel pain

You're looking at me
But do you see me?

You're touching on me
But do you feel me?

And you're crying with me
But do you believe me?

Luckily though,
You've found your purpose
I guess we're all not that hopeless

I gaze around and see,
That this must be
my hell on earth

So if you make it into heaven
Send me the address

So if you make it into heaven Please,Send me the address

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