Ying Yang

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You are my chaos,
And you are my peace.

You're the glue stuck in between,
And you can never leave.

You always held the sun,
And I the moon.

I know you dislike my darkest nights,
You wish you could shine all the time,
So this is the cause of our endless fights.

I wish you understood,
That you are light,
because of my darkness.
And I am night,
because of your sunlight.

You label me as 'evil'
But what good would you be,
If I ceased to exist?

You should be appreciative,
That I am the cause of your eminence,
And that you are the cause my demise,
That I am the background
for your art to be displayed on.

And even though you hate me,
I'll love you regardless
Because I could never replace you
and this fact works both ways.

You illuminate my world,
and for a fragment of time,
You overcome my nebulous world
when the sun arises.

You illuminate my world, and for a fragment of time,You overcome my nebulous worldwhen the sun arises

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