Chapter 3:

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When Camilo gets to his room he expects to flop onto his bed and relax but he is greeted by his very grumpy roommate, who by Camilo's estimate has to be double his size. And when he mutters some terrible racial slurs under his breath Camilo wishes he could shape-shift and punch him in the face.
But Camilo uses a better tactic, his words. Those at least he's usually good with.

"You may as well have said that to my face, perdedor." He says, feeling his confident self again for the first time since he left Colombia.
His roommate's large pale white face comes very close to his but Camilo doesn't flinch. He repeats the slurs and then he spits.. yes he actually spits on Camilo's ruana. Camilo has had a long day, he blames that for the tears that he is desperately not wanting this awful human to see. Thankfully he turns away.
"Just keep out of my way." And then his roommate barges out the door.

Camilo is in a flurry of unwanted tears as he takes his ruana down to the laundry. He pulls up the hood on his massive hoodie to hide his face.
He's only ever lived in Colombia, where everyone is like him. He likes to think he's got a backbone when words are exchanged but Camilo realises it was never that vicious and he has never been spat at or looked at with that much hate before.

Camilo goes about carefully hand washing his ruana. He's pretty zoned out by the time he feels a tap on his shoulder. Again he forces back the urge to shift and when he looks up Spencer is looking at him with a concerned expression on his freckled face.
"Are you okay, Camilo?" He asks, damn him and his sweet English accent. Camilo doesn't hate that Spencer cared enough to come up to him. But he's still wary that this boy has a way of getting him to open up and he's already emotional enough.

"Ugh, yeah. Just tired." He mumbles and tries to go back to his ruana but he's surprised when Spencer takes his wrist.
"Let me, okay? You look like you could use a break. You can even go back to your room and I'll bring it to you when it's done." Spencer offers, the smile on his face is kind and genuine.
His room? No he can't possibly. His roommate could already be back there.

"Ah no, I'll stay here if that's okay." He says. "There's just a special way to.."
he starts but Spencer cuts in like he can pick up on vibes or read minds or something.
"Camilo." Even the way he says Camilo's name makes his heart do that weird thing and makes him want to tell this boy everything. But that's ridiculous, he doesn't even know Spencer.

"If you are having roommate trouble, mine isn't coming for a few weeks apparently, he's on some part time thing, I don't know, but you're welcome to room with me until then." Spencer offers looking over his shoulder as he meticulously cleans his ruana.

"I.. I couldn't intrude." Did he stutter? Camilo doesn't stutter. Yeah, this boy has to be bad news. Spencer doesn't push. Instead he says;
"You wouldn't be, but that's okay, the offer stands if you do need it."

Camilo leans against the dryers and watches as Spencer hangs his ruana on a clothes horse that was leaning against the far wall. The way Spencer moves on his feet is so graceful, Camilo observes and immediately knows dancing is his forte.
Spencer notices Camilo watching him and blushes. Which makes Camilo blush. What is going on?
"What?" Spencer says softly turning away from him.
Camilo's hold on staying quiet must got out the laundry door.
"He spat on my ruana and called me some awful.. things." Camilo blurts and Spencer turns around. His face clouded with concern.
And before Camilo can take another breath Spencer hugs him, it's short but it's everything Camilo didn't know he needed.
Camilo feels his heart rate slow back to normal and his muscles relax and He tries to ignore the fact that he smelled the aftershave Spencer was wearing and it was comforting.
Spencer takes Camilo's hand and for a minute Camilo just stares but neither of them let go.

Camilo draws his hand back and makes a quick exit the laundry, back to his room.. of all places.

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