Chapter 10:

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Camilo woke up on a cold stone floor. His eyes focused easily as it was dark. He felt a chain on his ankle as he tried to move.
A hand was on his shoulder and he pulled away as pain seared through his shoulder and up his neck.

"Camilo, it's okay. It's me, Spencer." Spencer's voice was soft and a little scratchy but as soon as he looked at him he started crying. Spence took him in his arms.

"It's okay, I've got you. And they'll come back for us." He said. "Now let me heal you darling."
The way Spencer's accent wrapped around "darling." Sounded so beautiful he actually calmed down a bit.
He felt Spencer working his magic until nearly all the pain left his body.

"What the heck." Spencer said suddenly. "I can't use my.." but Spencer didn't get to finish as a bald man in a black suit came from nowhere and pulled him against the bars of what essentially was a jail. Spencer flinched as he hit the bars.

"Leave him alone!!" Camilo screamed. The man laughed and shoved Spencer, Camilo grabbed him.
"No magic!" The man spat and went back to a desk, Camilo hadn't noticed before.

Camilo and Spencer huddled together. Beside them was another cell, in there was a boy about their age, bloody, bruised and skinny, he looked as though he had been here a while. Camilo heard him crying before he saw him.

He reached his hand out and laid it on top of the boys hand. The boy startled and slowly turned towards him, his eyes took up most of his face, huge and emerald green. His skin darker than Camilo's but only slightly.
The boy flicked his dark curls out of his eyes and looked at Camilo, quizzically but also with a lot of fear.
"Hi, can I help you?" But Camilo noticed he wasn't looking at him.. in his direction.. and then he saw the white cane on the floor, he was sure the boy didn't know it was there. Camilo reached over and grabbed it. He rolled it over the boy's hand and he grabbed it. "Thank you." He sobbed and felt around him with it.

"It's okay, we are Camilo and Spencer. Trapped here too." Camilo said and the boy came up to the bars cautiously. Spencer took the boy's hand in his and ran his thumb over his hand, healing the cuts as he made sure the guard wasn't watching. The boy smiled.

"Noah." He said and clung to Spence's hand. "Sorry, I'be been alone for months." and he let go of Spencer's hand but being the kind soul Spencer was he gave his hand back. Camilo felt a ridiculously jealous. He's just lonely Camilo, get a hold of yourself.
Spencer looked at him and kissed his cheek.
Oops, Spencer could feel it when his emotions changed drastically.

"Camilo." He said as Noah dropped his hand but stayed close to the bars. "I'm ready to be with you so don't be jealous." He said sweetly, Camilo gasped and Spencer blushed.

"Because we could die." Camilo said before he could think better of it. Spencer shook his head in disbelief.
"Of course not, Camilo. Because I'm through being scared, I'm not wasting another minute where you aren't my boyfriend." Spencer smiled and then he kissed him. Camilo didn't want to stop but when Noah cried out and the guard grunted at them he drew back.

When he looked over he saw Noah hunched over on the floor and the white cane taken from him.
"He can't see Asshole!" Camilo yelled. He shouldn't have been surprised when he was hit with the cane, across the face. Spencer growled beside him. He growled. Camilo shrugged, okay.

"He's a Phoenix, you idiots! He could burn this place down if knows how much space he has." The guard spat and walked away.

"Noah." Spencer said softly but he couldn't reach him now.
"I'm okay." He said though through his voice Camilo could hear he was crying. "Look after yourselves." He sobbed.
"Noah, we are here for you too." Camilo told him.
Noah lifted his head. Dark curls in front of his eyes.
"Thank you." And then he seemed to go into himself muttering and mumbling.
Camilo was sure he'd said Eric. Surely a coincidence right? Still..

"Eric Button?" Right he's a bit of an asshole but his last name is cute. And Camilo saw his mask slip, he's only an asshole to protect himself, that much is clear.

Noah comes back into himself, the poor boy. He's been here so long Camilo thinks he might be losing his sense of reality.
"You know him? He's alive?" Noah sniffs.
"Yeah, he's our friend.. sort of." Camilo says. To his surprise Noah laughs and it's a nice contrast to the crying.

"He's not actually an asshole, he's, he's had a rough life. His father is a homophobic jerk who sent him to school to keep him away from me. And conversion therapy before that and as far as he knows I'm back home in Connecticut."

Camilo threw up so suddenly that Spencer had to dart back so it missed him.
"Sorry." Camilo muttered. Spencer shook his head and rubbed Camilo's back.

"How is he?" Noah asked the ache in his voice unmissable.
"He seems well, Noah." Spencer said. "He saved my life before we were captured. We'll get you back to him." He said taking Noah's hand.
Noah pulled back.
"I don't want to put him in danger again." He curled into a ball and rocked back and forth.

"Noah.." Camilo Started but Spencer motioned for him to leave it.
"Give him some space, he thought Eric was dead, think about if you thought I was dead."
Camilo's stomach lurched.

"Do not throw up on me." Spencer smiled a cheeky little grin and Camilo pulled him into his side and hugged him tight. He planted little kisses all over Spencer's face as he giggled.

Camilo did his best to imagine they weren't in a jail. And as he held Spencer close to him and bathed in the warmth of his now actual boyfriends body against his, he almost did forget until there was a burst of fire and the guard started beating Noah right beside them.

Camilo screamed that Noah was scared and for them to stop. He didn't mean the fire that had shot out of his chest as he cried for Eric. Noah had been as startled by it as him and Spencer had. But that didn't stop them. Noah was knocked unconscious and Camilo spent the night consoling a terrified Spencer.

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