Chapter 5:

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Camilo doesn't want another sleepless night so he waits till Anton is asleep and sneaks out. He realises how ridiculous he must look with a blanket around his shoulders and he hopes the dean is done with his patrolling lights out.

It looks like he is so Camilo exhales.
He is also glad that Spencer's room isn't far down the same hall. He hopes Spencer is asleep already and then he hopes he doesn't disturb him if he is. He's basically sleep walking at this point.

Camilo gently opens the door. Spencer's room is quiet and dark, he must be asleep. Camilo lowers the blanket and starts to get into the spare bed.

"Hi." Spencer says. Camilo startles and because of how tired he is he isn't fast enough to stop from shifting into that annoying little baby head. Before he can make a noise Spencer leaps up and covers his mouth.

Camilo shifts back. He's mortified.. his family are going to be so mad at him, he's going to be in serious trouble, he may ever see the light of day again.
Spencer's hand is still over his mouth but instead of feeling suffocated he feels strangely comforted by Spencer's touch. Even though Camilo knows that as soon as he sees Spencer's face their friendship or whatever else will be over. How could he be so careless?

Spencer drops his hand, he doesn't jolt away he turns Camilo by his shoulders so he has to look at him. He's not mortified and there's no sinister look on his face. Though Camilo doubts Spencer's face has ever met a sinister expression.

"Oh Camilo, you're shaking! It's okay." And then he hugs him. Camilo is so surprised that he jolts back.

"What?" Camilo gasps. "Aren't you scared or just waiting to use it against me in someway?" Camilo doesn't even believe the last past.

Spencer reaches for him but Camilo stays back.
"Neither of those things." Spencer says calmer than Camilo has ever heard him. "Surprised yes, but not scared, never of you Camilo."

Camilo knows in that moment that he really likes this boy. And that he is going to have to let his mind process all of this soon.

"Give me your hand." Spencer says softly. And then when Camilo hesitates he says; "I just want to show you why I'm only surprised." He says. Camilo gives Spencer his hand.

Camilo's eyes widened as Spencer healed the scrapes on his hand from a fall while dancing.
"Wow." Camilo said. "That's impressive."
Spencer smiled shyly.
"No one really knows how I got this power, I've just sort of always been able to do it." Then he reached for Camilo's hand again.
And Camilo felt his remaining nerves slip away from him.

"Woah. So a healer." Camilo breathes. Spencer nods but then tenses.
"Is that okay?" He asks in a whisper.

"What do you mean is that okay? It's who you are Spence." Camilo says squeezing his hand that he realised he was still holding. "And besides wouldn't that be a bit hypocritical?"

Spencer is definitely not convinced and now he's fighting against tears. Camilo hugs him without a second thought.

"The last person I trusted with this, who I thought was my best friend, thought I had manipulated them into liking me." He frowns and then goes on the defensive.
"But I can't do that I swear! Nor would I ever!"

Before he realises what he's doing Camilo takes Spencer's face in his hands.
"I believe you, okay." Camilo let's go of any resistance to the soft tone of his voice. Screw that right now, Spencer needs him.

"Spence, you stuck at being there for me even when I tried to run away from you. You just accepted that I can shape shift without a question. I want to do the same for you."
Camilo wanted to kiss him but to tell the truth he was still a bit scared, he also didn't know if Spencer would even want that. So he carefully dropped his hands from Spencer's face but He immediately missed touching him.

They both climbed into their respective beds without another word. But Camilo's heart was racing and his mind has decided now was a good time to have a sexuality crisis.
"Camilo?" Spencer said.

"Yes Spence?" He responded. Spencer's voice already calming him down.

"Are you okay?" He asked. It might have been the fact that they couldn't see each other but Camilo felt confident.

"I think I might be gay." He told Spencer.

"That's okay, so am I." Spencer said so sweetly that Camilo thought his heart might burst. Well he didn't make the connection at least.

Camilo chuckled softly.
"I know. How did you know?" Camilo asked carefully. Spencer chuckled this time.

"How does anyone know who they are attracted to, Camilo? Your first crush and who that's on can tell you a lot, unless of course you are pan or bi or something. And of course it doesn't matter if you don't have that figured that out either."

Spencer is definitely Camilo's first crush. He knows that much now.

"Thank you, Spencer."
Camilo was able to sleep knowing it was okay if he didn't have everything worked out.

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