Chapter 26:

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Standing in the principal office with Spencer's hand firmly in his and his body just about as close to Camilo's as possible was the only thing keeping Camilo from running right out of there.

Principal Morgan was an older man with greying short cropped black hair and tiny glasses Camilo didn't see the use of. He looked at the six of them with a steely gaze while Alex argued their point about equality and fairness.

"The rules are as stated on the form, that's how it's always been. Six students aren't going change what has been widely accepted for years in end by the academy." Principal Morgan said as if he hadn't listened to a word Alex had said.

Spencer huddled even closer to Camilo. Camilo wrapped his arms around his waist.
Principal Morgan glared at them briefly before Eric stood up.

"Widely accepted? By who? A bunch of old straight dudes who didn't want their precious heteronormativity tampered with. That's bullshit, we will take this over your head."
Eric held such a power and Camilo admired him for it.

"Language, Mr Button." Principal Morgan snapped. "Fine, take it over my head and see where it gets you, you'll find that a lot of people won't want change to the rules they know." Morgan glared. His eyes caught on Spencer.

"But I'd think twice about that because word got out about nudity and alcoholism on school grounds, and the board won't take too kindly to seeing that on a record, Mr Davies."

Spencer tensed and didn't let go of Camilo.
"You have no proof that any of us were involved in anything like that." Camilo found his voice.

"Don't I, Mr Madrigal? The word of respected students will do for now. Any evidence will be found." Morgan said firmly.

Camilo didn't doubt that, there had to be security cameras somewhere didn't there, and he doubted Peter and Andre were smart enough to have thought of that.

"What are respected students, sir? Does that not apply to us?" Noah spoke up. The five of them turned to look at him shocked. Noah?

Principal Morgan took a look at the six of them and sighed.
"Respect is earned Mr Perkins." he said. "Mr Davies is disrespectful and a harm to the school's community, the rest of you have yet to earn my respect." He sneered and Spencer sniffled at Camilo's side. Should they walk out?

"Don't think we won't be bring up your treatment of Spencer when we do take this to your board. You have no proof of any wrong doing by Spencer and yet you are standing here, intimidating a sixteen year old, who you you gave no consideration to the mental health of!" Alex fired up before Camilo could, but their hand found his like they were saying, I've got this, for both of you.

Principal Morgan seemed to be rendered speechless before he recovered and robotically apologised to Spencer who wouldn't even look at him.

"You're all dismissed. See the office staff to make arrangements to see the board." Morgan shuffled uncomfortably in his chair. And Camilo dragged Spencer out of there.

"I think you really got him with the mental health thing." Noah said and Alex squeezed his shoulder.

Camilo pulled Spencer into the chair beside him as they sat in the common area.
"Are you alright Spence?" Alex asked as they sat across from Camilo and Spencer.
Spencer wiped his eyes and sighed.
"Just some bad memories that caught me off guard." He muttered. "I'll be fine, I thought if I played up on it it might work in our favour, I feel like I sold my soul but I think it worked."

All five of them gasped.
"Spencer, you sly genius." Alex said, but Camilo could see they were still watching Spencer carefully, Camilo knew for sure in that moment that behind everything else Alex cared for each of them.
He gave them a smile which they returned.

They gave Spencer's shoulder a squeeze and stood up.
"This isn't over guys, next we find ourselves an ally and take it to the board."


Later, back in their room, Spencer and Camilo got ready for bed. They brushed their teeth side by side, but Camilo couldn't stop wondering if Spencer was really okay. He'd been quiet during their dance and acting practice.

Spencer seemed to notice Camilo watching him.
"What's on your mind 'milo?" He asked after a spit into the sink, he even did that gracefully.
"Are you really okay?" Camilo asked turning to face him. Spencer sighed.

"This about the appointment with the Principal?" Spencer asked. Camilo nodded.
"Honestly, at first no I wasn't okay but I harnessed it and thought we needed all the help we can get to win." He said as he placed his toothbrush back in the holder, Camilo did the same. Camilo eyed hun skeptically

"I want to go to prom with you Camilo, and after last night I learnt I can't keep letting my emotions and anxiety get the best of me. I'm not only hurting myself but you, and the others too." He said.

"You're not hurting anyone." Camilo frowned. Spencer matched his frown. "But I get wanting to have control over things and I'm so proud of you for taking that step." Camilo smiled and opened his arms to Spencer who basically leaped into them. "Just don't forget, if you do need to break or it all gets too much, don't bottle it up, I'll always be there to catch you."

Spencer cooed and squeezed Camilo.
"I know darling. I love you so much." He whispered and without a word they pushed their beds together and smiled over at each other.
"I love you more." Camilo whispered to Spencer who now laid facing him.
"Sure, sure, Camilo." Spencer yawned.

"Who spoke to you like that? And where to they live?" Camilo said, he kept a playful edge to his voice as he made a punching gesture into his open palm.
Spencer laughed, then sighed.

"My dad when I came out, that on top of my "other issues" was just another disappointment to him." Spencer sighed. "But mum basically threatened to leave him if he didn't support me through everything so he straightened up and acted like he supported me.. all to please mum. It's been that way ever since."

Camilo frowned.
"I'm so sorry, Spence. That's awful. I didn't realise how lucky I actually was when you came home with me. I could have been more thankful for that."

"It's okay, 'milo. You were fine. And so am I. That's just how thing are. I do want you to come and have dinner with us someday, mostly to properly meet mum, because she basically started raving about you as soon as we met. But he'd be there too of course."
Spencer sighed.

Camilo did think very highly of Spencer's mum, she'd not only supported Spencer but when they first met, she immediately helped him without question, it's where Spencer got that from he thought. So if he had to endure his dad too, he would.

"It's not fair but I get it. You're okay and that's all I care about." He said and took Spencer's hand in his. "As for dinner, I'd love to! We'll do it next break or something. I love your mum, she just stopped and helped me that first day without question, which I think is where you got that from." Camilo smiled as Spencer blushed.

Spencer moved to rest his head on Camilo's chest.
"I can't wait." He smiled sleepily. "Night 'milo." He yawned.
"Night Spence."

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