Chatper 24:

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The first night back on campus there was this huge party. Camilo thought there was more people than could possibly fit in a dorm room but he was wrong. There were also a lot of red solo cups being passed around. How the dean or someone didn't call it off on them was remarkable.

It was held in this guy Peter's room. He was all white guy trying to be Bob Marley, dreadlocks, beanie and all. But he stood by Camilo and Spencer when his roommate a very pale, vampire looking guy tried to refuse them entry because they walked in holding hands.

He'd stepped right up to this guy.
"Dude no, not cool. We are inclusive of everyone. Some boys like boys, it's not their problem if you can't handle it."

Vampire dude gave Peter a cold hard glare and walked away.
"So sorry bros, Andre is a tool. He literally just let Alex and Claudia in.. but I've got your backs little dudes."
Camilo suppressed a laugh while Spencer thanked him adorably for his support.

Camilo looked around for Claudia and Alex and spotted them in no time by Alex's rainbow suspenders. What a legend. They were in tow with Andre yelling at him about being a homophobe and telling him he would absolutely not get to see Claudia and themself make out in his life time. Claudia laughed as Andre ran in the other direction.

Claudia ran and scooped Camilo and Spencer up in a hug.
"God I missed you two!!" She said too loudly. Her and Alex giggled and stumbled. Needless to say more than a few drinks had been had already.

Alex came at them with two red cups with something in them that Camilo could smell a mile off. Spencer eyed him carefully.

"What's wrong Spence?" Camilo whispered to him.
"I'm not really supposed to.. if my parents.." he started as a thin blush came over his cheeks. Camilo gave him a side hug.

"It'll be fine Spence, if you are really worried I'll stay sober." Camilo offered.
Spencer shook his head immediately.
"No, I will. You deserve to have fun." He said with a sheepish smile. Camilo knew Spencer wanted to try a few drinks so he played the "I just recovered from the flu card."

"That is true, I'm awful! No drinking for you Camilo." Spencer said with a smirk and snatched his drink. Camilo laughed as Spencer downed both drinks.
"Easy Spence, that's strong." Camilo chided him as he scrunched up his face.
Alex and Claudia laughed as their eyes caught on Spencer's face.
"I'm staying sober, still recovering from the flu." Camilo said as Claudia eyed Spencer warily. And that was good enough for her.

Alex filled Spencer's cup again and this time he adorably sipped at it.
Camilo was tackled from behind so suddenly he was sure he would have face planted had whoever it was hadn't caught him.

"Camilo!!" Eric basically shouted in his ear. Camilo saw Noah over Eric's shoulder. People stared at the boy with the white cane. Even though Noah wouldn't see their judgemental stares. Camilo called out to him and he strode over with a smile.

"How much have these lot had?" Camilo asked Noah who appeared to the only other sober person in the room. Even Spencer was adorably flushed.
"A lot." Noah laughed. "Not drinking Camilo? Smart boy." Noah added.

"It's Spencer's first time, he was a little nervous." Camilo said as he watched Spencer laughing with Alex. Camilo loved seeing him so happy.
"That's so sweet." Noah said. "Speaking of Spencer, I need to talk to him before he gets too wasted." Noah laughed.

"I'll get him." Camilo said. And walked over to Spencer and hugged him from behind.
"Hey beautiful." He said all smiley and starry eyed. Yep, Spencer is tipsy already. Camilo laughed.
"Come with me for a second?" He asked. Spencer nodded and took his hand.

"Hey Noah!" Spencer greeted him and patted his shoulder. Noah smiled.
"Hey Spencer, well that's a good sign." Noah said and came closer to both him and Camilo.
"If I put a rift between the two of you or started any trouble I am sorry. I'm not used to having good friends around and the last thing I wanted to do.."

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