Chapter 4:

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The next morning Camilo wakes feeling like hasn't really slept. He felt like he had to keep one eye open all night so he wasn't smothered in his sleep by Anton.. his roommate.

He's about to roll over and go back to sleep when there's a knock on his door. Anton is gone so he calls out.
"I'll be out in a minute."
"Okay."  Spencer. Camilo keeps running away from him but he's not giving up and Camilo silently admires that. He does need a friend right now.

He gets dressed into the clothes his mama bought him for dance and acting. His mama, he switches into her just to see her face and nearly cries. He shakes it off and shifts back quickly. Lack of sleep and missing one's family are not a good mix.

Camilo ties his hair into a bun so it's off his face. He yawns. He looks.. not dead, despite his lack of sleep so he shrugs and opens the door.
Spencer smiles at him. He wears what look like black leggings or tights and an over sized blue t shirt that says "England" on the front. He looks.. sweet. Camilo shrugs off that thought and smiles back at him.

"I.. I thought you might want some company." Spencer says again with that just above a whisper but still noticeably English accented voice. Camilo is touched by his kindness.
"Thank you." Camilo says and they walk side by side through the halls of the fanciest building Camilo has ever seen. Everything is white with black accessories. It makes the whole place look bigger than it actually is.

As if he is reading Camilo's mind Spencer says.
"It's so big!" His eyes widening and Camilo sort of stares into them taking in all of the blue. They are like the ocean.
"What?" Spencer blushes. Camilo Blushes and sort of blurts his next words out.
"You're eyes, there so blue. They're nice." Camilo covers his mouth and is sure he is as red as his t shirt. Spencer smiles and blushes just as much. Which strangely eases Camilo's nerves.

"Thank you Camilo." He says and Camilo swears he sees him tear up. He hopes that's not one of the nicest things someone has said to this boy. He deserves better than a blurted compliment from someone he just met.

When they reach the door to their dance class, they see the large ballroom is filled with maybe a hundred kids all warming up. Camilo almost bumps into a frozen Spencer.
Camilo remembers Spencer's anxiety and the fact that he is prone to panic attacks. So he gently guides him away from the doorway so the other kids can get through.
Remembering suddenly how Spencer held his hand yesterday and how much that helped him. Camilo takes Spencer's hand and leads him into one of the schools many "break rooms." They are like little staff rooms for the students.

He gets Spencer to sit down on one of the leather couches and starts making him a tea while he watches him carefully.
Camilo is making this up as he goes, he's drawing on what him and his papa do for his mama when she gets a cloud. He hopes he's helping.

Camilo hands Spencer the tea and he awakens from his frozen state. He looks terrified and maybe a little embarrassed.
"Are you okay?" Camilo asks gently.

Spencer nods, the colour has returned to his face but he still looks a little shaken.
"I.. I wasn't expecting so many people." He says quietly. And then his eyes travel over Camilo, sort of like he's studying him. Spencer sips the tea and says;

"You didn't have to do that. You can go back to class, I don't want you to get in trouble or something." Spencer's words run into one big sentence as he stares into his lap.

Camilo smirks and nudges his shoulder gently to make him look up.
"Trouble is my middle name." Camilo laughs and is glad when this makes Spencer smile.
"And I wasn't going to leave you frozen in the hallway, what kind of monster do you take me for Spence?"

Camilo finds himself wanting to get more and more smiles out Spencer. He gets a brief smile before Spencer frowns.
"It's usually too much for people." He sighs.
"Not for me." Camilo says and takes Spencer's hand. "If you're feeling better, let's go dance." He says. Spencer nods and they sneak into the ballroom basically unnoticed.

Camilo notices how fast the others pick up the routine including Spencer. So he follows Spencer's moves, Spencer notices and turns to face him slowing down the moves for him. And Camilo starts to get it. He smiles and mouths his thank you to Spencer who just smiles at him.

Camilo feels guilty that he had to rely on Spencer during dance, he spends the walk to acting class freaking out about how much more talented everyone here is than him.

"I.." Camilo starts but Spencer waves his hand.
"It's okay Camilo, it's the first day. And I'm not going to let you fall behind, I'll practice with you okay."

This boy is mind reader. And he also knows exactly what to say to put his nerves at ease.
Camilo let's out a breath quite dramatically and Spencer laughs. And Camilo just about melts into the floor. So his laugh is even sweeter than his face and voice.. wait what?
Camilo might have some things to re evaluate. But not now.

They walk into acting class which Camilo is thankful, for Spencer's sake, that the group in smaller. He still stays close to Camilo's side as people say hello to them and Camilo doesn't mind at all.

Camilo stops in his tracks when he sees Anton standing with a group of equally huge and buff looking kids. Camilo thinks that if his growth spurt would happen right now that would be great.

He's thankful when Spencer pulls him away from them. Spencer then introduces him to two other kids he knows from home but they are cold towards him and don't say more than they have to. It makes Camilo angry that anyone would treat someone as kind as Spencer like that.

Camilo is about to give the kids a spray when a girl comes over to introduce herself. Her shiny hair is pulled back into a high ponytail, her eyes are friendly, large and the darkest drown Camilo has ever seen.

He notices Anton and his friends snickering and staring at her. Perhaps because she's a little bigger than the other girls here, but if it bothers her she doesn't show it. And Camilo things she's beautiful, he's not falling over himself like with Spencer (again things to process another time.) but he thinks she looks more real and prettier than any other girl in the room.

"I'm Claudia." She says with a smile and shakes both of their hands.
"Camilo." He says and returns her smile. And then when Spencer just smiles he adds. "And this is Spencer."
"Are you two, together?" Claudia asks. Wait what?
"Uh no, just friends." He says and feels his face grow hot and he swears he sees disappointment on Spencer's face for a brief moment. Oh god not now. Later.

"Sorry, I probably just assume everyone is queer." Claudia says looking suddenly very awkward.

"I am." Spencer says softly. This makes her smile and she doesn't question Camilo which he's very thankful for. He wouldn't know what to say yet. And his brain is still sitting on the fact that Spencer is queer. It gives Camilo comfort because if he is too then it would be okay.

The class starts and Camilo quickly finds he is more up to pace here. Spencer though seems to struggle when the attention is on him. Camilo stays close to him and offers encouragement when he can. And Spencer smiles at him each time.

They do all kinds of warm up exercises that he remembers from primary school drama.
It's all running smoothly, Claudia laughs with them and introduces her partner Alex. Who uses they/them pronouns, which Camilo thinks is cool. Alex has their black hair braided into space buns on their head, their skin is dark like Camilo's. Camilo takes comfort in the fact that someone here looks like him.

"Where are you from, carino?" They ask him.
"Colombia. You?" He says. They smile.
"Mexico." Alex says and then leans in. Claudia is chattering away to Spencer who smiles politely but keeps looking over at Camilo to see if he's still there.
Alex smiles when they notice.
"You two?" They ask. Camilo is less caught off guard this time and he says;
"Not yet, but maybe." As he glances back at Spencer who smiles at him. Alex laughs.
"Well he seems to very much like you."
Camilo blushes.
"Ah the feeling is mutual then." Alex laughs and they go to join Claudia and Spencer in a group activity.

And Camilo thinks about what it would mean if he liked Spencer like that.. and if Alex was right, Is there's a chance he could like Camilo?

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