Chapter 20:

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"No way! Spencer? Sweet little, wouldn't harm a fly Spencer, actually punched someone in the face?" Mirabel gasped when Camilo had shared what had happened yesterday over morning coffee. He'd wanted to distract from all the tears and forlorn expressions this morning and he thought even temporarily it has worked and he was glad.
Also Spencer was still asleep on his bed, so Camilo was enjoying being able to gush over his boyfriend with his cousins and sister.

"Better believe it, he's my hero." Camilo said theatrically.
Delores rolled here eyes but pulled up a seat beside Camilo.
"I'll be having words with Mariano about his cousin's treatment of my brothers." She said.
Camilo laughed and glowed at her claiming Spencer as her brother.

"Now you believe me." He scoffed. Delores looked apologetic.
"Forgive us, you were a dramatic child." She said and squeezed his shoulder. Isabella laughed.
"He's still dramatic, you see dear cousin, Spencer is way more capable than you give him credit for." Isabella told him as she helped herself to some biscuits from her mother.

"You're right in some instances, but I still worry he takes on too much." Camilo sighed and smiled at Tia Julieta as she offered him a biscuit and he took one.

Tia Julieta nodded.
"I remember being a young healer myself and in the beginning I too wanted to help everyone, no matter what it cost me. You suddenly have this power to fix all the pain others feel and not only that don't forget all of you, that Spencer can also feel everything you are all feeling. But he will also learn to regulate and help only when it won't be too much for him. I know he will, your Abuela welcomed him into this family she must have believed in him too."
Tia Julieta teared up towards the end of her little speech and it set them all off. Not a dry eye in the room.

"Can you help while he's here?" Camilo asked softly. His Tia nodded.

Tia Julieta shoved more biscuits at them then, of course they were healing biscuits, they always were.

Spencer came down stairs about half an hour later. They all gave him friendly smiles as he settled himself into Camilo's lap without hesitation. Camilo nuzzled into Spencer's fluffy jumper and kissed the back of his head.

"Morning 'milo." Spencer said and kissed his cheek.
Camilo returned his greeting and kissed him.

Tia Julieta beamed at them both.


The rest of the day was a blur through Camilo's always filled to the brim with teared eyes and his experience. Spencer was never out of his reach all day and he had to admit he thanked him more times than he could count.

His favourite moment was sitting out side by the fire as they all told stories about Abuela while he sat in Spencer's lap.
Isabella was telling them all tearful story about how Abuela supported her when she received her gift. Camilo reflected on his own experience.
"Your gift will be just as special as you are." He whispered. Spencer smiled.
"That's beautiful."

"Spencer," Antonio said taking Spencer's hand. "How did you get your gift?"
Spencer hesitated.
"Today is not about that Antonio, but remind me and I'll tell you about it another time." Spencer said. Camilo got the feeling that there was some trauma behind Spencer's gift but he didn't push it, instead he nestled back into Spencer's shoulder.
"It's okay." He whispered. Spencer kissed Camilo's cheek.

Antonio sighed and started telling them about the animals warming Abuela's chair and how much he was going to miss her. Which of course set them all off into tears again. Even Spencer.

"Spence?" Isabella suddenly called out to him from across their circle.
"Yes, Isa?" He said politely.
"Stop being cute with Camilo for a second, we've prepared something for you." Isabella said. Camilo let Spencer up and took back the chair.

"Today isn't about me Isa, shouldn't we.." Spencer started but didn't get further after Isabella made him a flower crown and put it on his head. Spencer looked adorably stunned and Camilo couldn't stop smiling.

"Shush." Isabella said with a smile. "Abuela welcomed you into the family and this is her day still, and she would have wanted us to give you a warm welcome too."
She reached for his hand and Spencer took it with a shy smile. All the cousins and siblings blew him kisses and Spencer was as bright as his hair. But he was loving this, Camilo knew that.

"First Mirabel and I want to apologise for taking advantage of your kindness.." Isabella.  started but Spencer cut in.

"No need to apologise, you're Camilo's family and.." Spencer started and Isabella cut him off again with a friendly snipe.

"Stop being so sweet and listen." Isabella said. Spencer raised his hands in mock surrender while Camilo balled his eyes out. Mirabel took his hand.

"We want you to know that we love you, and we see you, and we have your back no matter what." Isabella said before Mirabel stepped in to say.

"You're our family and you've been not only what Camilo needs but what all of us have needed in the hardest times we could ever have imagine, there you were with a ready smile and a helping hand for any of us who needed it." She said and wiped her eyes. Spencer started crying and Mirabel held him at her side. Camilo was about to rush over himself when Luisa stepped in front of him to say.

"Camilo has told us that you haven't always been appreciated by the people in your life, none of could understand why that was but we want you to know that here with us, you'll always have support, love and appreciation."
Luisa patted Spencer's head.

"So without further ado, sweet Spencer, we thank you for looking after Camilo, and loving him the way he deserves to be loved." Isabella have Camilo a smile and he sobbed.
"These flowers represent your induction into the Madrigal family. The combination of them and your bracelet represent a prayer that Abuela would have shared with you upon meeting you, and today we make it official that your heart and soul are protected by our ancestors." Isabella said. She placed a kiss on Spencer's cheek and hugged him. Then shooed him back to Camilo.

"Alright, you can go be all cute with Camilo again now." She laughed.
Spencer just about bowled Camilo over with a hug. And Camilo hugged him while he cried happily in his arms.

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