Chapter 33:

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Billie was still watching Camilo with a still kind of patience. He gave her a small smile which she returned.

"What happened to your ankle?" Billie asked him softly. Camilo thought maybe he knew what she was doing, starting slow and hoping that would make him feel more comfortable. Clever, he took the bait willingly.

"Dancing injury, laced with some bullies." Camilo shrugged as his eyes wandered over to where Spencer was now getting Elliott involved in some of the art activities. Elliott clung to Spencer's side but he was involved, and that was beautiful to see.

"Oh boy, it's going to be tricky when you guys have to leave." Billie sighed as she followed Camilo's gaze.
A thought came to Camilo's head then, one that he didn't like at all.

"Sometimes I worry that that's all I am to Spencer." He blurted to Billie who gave Camilo her full attention.
"That what, you're more of a protector than a boyfriend?" Billie asked flicking her eyes between Spencer and Elliott and Camilo.
Camilo nodded. That was exactly it.

"In a relationship though, sometimes you are both or, being protective of the person you love is part of it." Billie said with a smile as she caught the eye of a sweet looking boy, he had shiny black hair and green framed glasses over his friendly eyes. Billie nudged Camilo.

"That's my boyfriend Artie, unless you're still willing to share Spencer with me, eyes off." She said with a laugh as Artie blew her a kiss and gave Camilo a friendly smile. Camilo returned Artie's smile and laughed.
Camilo's gaze drifted back to Spencer, beautiful and sweet Spencer who still had little Elliott glued to his side. Spencer's eyes met Camilo's and he smiled at him. Camilo loved that he got to see Spencer's real smile and he was so thankful that this place had made Spencer seem so much more at ease.

"Yeah no, there's more to you two than you realise." Billie said and Camilo startled.

"But I don't know if I know how to do anything else, Billie. My crush turned love for Spencer was how I knew I was gay. I'm still so new to this and I don't know if I'll be enough for him."
Camilo startled at his own words. That was probably as honest as Camilo had ever been in his life, it was scary but also liberating.

"Camilo," Billie said as she turned to face him. "You are enough! And besides the way Spencer looks at you," she said and shifted her glance to Spencer briefly before coming back to him. "It's like he believes the sun rises and sets with you, you know." She said with a smile. "But the biggest thing you have to remember is that you can't give more than you have. If your love and everything else you feel for Spencer wasn't enough for him, that wouldn't be on you."
She said.

Camilo felt her words so deeply that he started crying again. Billie hugged him tightly. And then suddenly he was in Spencer's arms and nothing had ever felt so right in his world.
Billie and Elliott collected more chairs and they sat across from him and Spencer.

"Is he okay?" Camilo heard Elliott whisper to Billie. Billie smiled.
"I think so." She said out loud. "Camilo, just realised that he's enough, exactly as he is." Billie smiled at Camilo proudly.
Spencer rubbed circles into his back.
"I could have told you that." He said softly.

"He might still need to hear it from you." Billie said.
Spencer grabbed Camilo's shoulders and pressed his forehead to Camilo's.
"You are more than enough. I'm sorry I haven't told you that. And I know sometimes I force you to be the protector.." Spencer started.

"You don't force me to be anything." Camilo took Spencer's face in his hands. Spencer's eyes spilled over with tears.
"Still I'm sorry, that I've been such a mess lately and you've just been 100% wonderful and not once was a appreciative. Camilo, I'm so sorry."
Billie took Elliott's hand and they left them too it.
"It's okay Spence, you know there's nothing that would change me being there for you. Just keep letting me in and keep talking to me." Camilo said. Spencer smiled at Camilo.
"I can do that." Spencer said.
"Can you just kiss me now please?" Camilo said with a cheeky smile. And Spencer did just that, he kissed Camilo and Camilo hadn't  realised how much he'd missed Spencer's lips, his mouth, how he tasted, everything.

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