Chapter 21:

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"Camilo!" Peppa calls and Camilo shoves an asleep Spencer off the bed. He hears a little "ow." Before his mama comes in.

"You got a letter from the school." She says distracted as she looks around the room. Then she adds. "I know Spencer is in here, I'm not stupid."

Peppa laughs as Spencer pops his head up from  beside the bed.
"Hi." She says and then turns back to Camilo. "You know the rules 'Milo.." she starts but Spencer, bless his heart, cuts in.

"I don't intend to ever have sex with your son."
He says unabashed. Camilo covers his face, he could basically be a tomato and there'd be no difference.

"Nice to know..." Peppa says. Camilo wishes Spencer would stop but it's also 100% adorable at the same time.

"Honest, I'm asexual, Peppa." Spencer says.

"I don't.. what does that mean?" Peppa is so confused.

"It means Spencer doesn't experience sexual attraction. Only romantic attraction." Camilo says. Peppa shrugs.

"Okay, I will choose to believe that this isn't a ruse." Peppa raises an eyebrow at Camilo. But Spencer isn't giving up, he proceeds to give Peppa a brief but heartfelt speech about what he went through with the boy that tried to take advantage of him.

It takes everything in Camilo not to cry every time he hears Spencer tell that story. He gets why Spencer won't ever tell him who this person is, Camilo would destroy them.

Peppa's eyes widen and she pulls Spencer into her arms and hugs him. Camilo has to warn her about the cloud above her head. But she soaks poor Spencer anyway.

"Oh darling, I'm so glad you found Camilo. And I hope you know my 'milo would never hurt you, nor would he let anyone else." Peppa sniffs.

"I know." Spencer says and looks over Peppa's shoulder at Camilo, so lovingly that Camilo fears he might faint.

Peppa clears her throat.
"Anyway, a letter for you Camilo." She sniffs and heads out of the room after handing Camilo the letter.

Spencer watches after for a few moments and then smiles at Camilo like butter wouldn't melt in his mouth. Camilo is not sure it would.

"I'd say she won't be bothered about me being in here anymore." Spencer says and sits beside Camilo. "What does school want?" He adds. Though there's an unmissable cheekiness in Spencer's eyes. Camilo narrows his eyes at him.

"What did you do?" Camilo asks. Spencer hold his hands up.
"Me?" He says incredulously though he's smiling. Camilo eyes him suspiciously as he opens the letter.
"Read it to me." Spencer bounces. He definitely did something, Camilo concludes.

"Dear Mr Madrigal,
We write to inform you that you've been approved in your request to re join us when your family affairs have resolved... what request? Spencer?" Camilo is in shock. He can go back to school?! But how!?

Spencer shrugs.
"Nothing major, my dad is on the school's board. I just mentioned that they were being unfair to you regarding coming back to school after a family emergency, they must have looked into it." Spencer said like it was nothing. But to Camilo it was everything.

"Spencer!" Camilo laughed, incredulously.
"What?" Spencer said so innocently. Camilo tackled Spencer in a hug. And Spencer gasped and giggled.

"I.. I can't believe you did this.. I.. I could have lost it all.. but now.." Camilo couldn't help it he cried but they were happy tears, he hadn't realised how much getting back to the school meant to him until that moment.

"Aw 'milo." Spencer said and kissed his cheek.
"Thank you Spencer, I cannot even begin to thank you.." Camilo started but Spencer put a finger to his lips and Camilo looked down at his fingers.
"You don't have to thank me, I wouldn't be able to do it without you there by my side." Spencer shrugged and looked down into his lap.

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