Chapter 14:

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Camilo felt barely present as Tio Bruno tried to argue with the principal about his time off.

"We can't guarantee he'll still have a spot when he gets back. Camilo's attendance is low as it is."

"He's had a hard time, he's never been away from home, it's been a huge adjustment for him. There must be something you can do." Bruno pleaded his case for a long time but all Camilo remembers was that they got nowhere.

Bruno wrapped his arm around Camilo as they walked.
"We'll sort something out, they can't do that to you 'milo." His Tio had told him. Camilo shrugged.
"It's the last thing on my mind right now." He muttered.

His thoughts swayed with his imaginative mind creating versions of how bad things were going to be for his Abuela. It had to be bad for him to have to come home wouldn't it? He had to prepare for the worst. But preparing for the worst felt a lot like torture. He tried to push that away but he was left with how much he'd put on Spencer, he knew he'd asked too much of someone he'd only properly been together with for a few days.. but they had liked each other for months and Camilo's mind counted those months. Which he knew was unfair.. he'd really done it this time. If he had something to fix when he got back he would do everything he could to do just that. But Spencer deserved better than him, he knew that. Maybe he'd just have to let him go.

"Camilo." Delores called his name. He'd zoned out big time and at some point they'd got in a cab and arrived back at the airport.. where he'd met Spencer all those months ago. He scolded himself, stop! It's over! It's done. Focus on your family, Camilo.
Delores looked him up and down and then took his luggage, stacking it on top of hers. He tried to protest but she insisted.

Bruno stayed close to Camilo as Delores lead them through all the chaos of checking bags and passports. A few of the airline staff asked Camilo if he was okay as they went through different sections. When he didn't answer Bruno told them "his Abuela is unwell, he's not taking it well." They would offer their sympathies and leave them be.
He figured at-least he didn't have to speak himself.

Before he knew it they were on the plane. He sat between his sister and tio. Camilo dropped his head onto Delores' shoulder. She patted and kissed the top of his head.
"We'll get through this together 'milo, you're never alone." She told him.

"You also shouldn't have said anything about it not being appropriate for Spencer to come. Why does everyone in this family care so much about what's appropriate or keeping up appearances. Camilo wanted him to be by his side, he should be." Bruno sounded so frustrated. Delores frowned.

"Is it not okay that Spencer is a boy?" Camilo asked. Delores shook her head.
"Of course it's okay Camilo, as long as they treat you well, I support you and whoever you love." She planted a kiss on the top of his head. "I just worried about the people in town."

Bruno shook his head.
"Screw them Delores, if anyone said a thing about Camilo and Spencer, I'd know how to deal with them." Bruno snapped.
Camilo shook his head.

"It doesn't matter now, he doesn't love me anyway, we have to focus on Abuela." He said. Really feeling done with all of this.
Bruno's eyes widened and he spluttered.
"What?! Did he say that to you?"
"No, but he didn't have to."

"Camilo, you're kidding.. How do you not see that he loves you. I've never seen anyone look at someone the way that Spencer looks at you, Camilo." Delores said. Camilo wasn't sold.

"How much can you tell from a look." He muttered. Bruno sighed.

"He tried to convince us to leave him, just so we'd get to you quicker. While he was conscious all that kid did was beg us to save you and tell us how wonderful our nephew and brother really was. I know he's a healer and that's their nature but 'milo that boy practically thinks the world revolves around you kiddo. So believe me, he does love you, the only reason he didn't leap at the chance it be by your side is because he thought he'd be intruding." Bruno said.
All Camilo could do was lift his head and drop it onto his Tio's shoulder. Bruno patted his nephews head.

"And I put too much pressure on him to drop everything to be by my side." Camilo sniffed.
"Maybe, but he'll be there when you get back with open arms and an open heart, I know it."
Bruno said and let Camilo basically cry himself to sleep on his shoulder.
He patted his head and planted kisses on his head, anything he could do to help his broken hearted nephew.

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