Chapter 25:

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It was a good thing that they didn't have classes the next day.. because Camilo ended up being kept awake all night by a vomiting Spencer who cried, apologised and then refused to take off his ruana. Miraculously though he'd managed not to vomit on it so Camilo was silently able to appreciate his boyfriend wearing his clothes.

"Camilo, stop breathing." Spencer grunted as he woke up. Camilo couldn't help but laugh even if he did feel a little responsible for his condition. Spencer hobbled out of bed still wearing Camilo's jeans and ruana of course.

"Why do those suit you better than me." Camilo yawned.
"I think you complimented me but all I can feel is headache." Spencer grunted again as he wet his face with water from the sink then flopped onto Camilo's bed with him.
"I think grumpy Spence is my favourite." Camilo whispered as he pushed red curls out of his face. Spencer smiled while he said,
"Shut up."

"Do you remember what happened?" Camilo pressed him lightly. Spencer winced.
"Well for starters I don't think Peter's room is there anymore because I drank it."
Camilo laughed. "But yes I do remember being a naked idiot on the roof. Sorry 'milo." Spencer winced again.

"If it helps you were a cute naked idiot on the roof." Camilo smirked at him. Spencer scoffed.
"I highly doubt that." He said and then blushed excessively. "You were looking?" He covered his face.

"Is that not allowed?" Camilo asked tentatively as Spencer's face cracked into a smile. Camilo was ready to sink into a black hole.

"What? of course it is, Camilo. Being naked around someone you love is romantic, it doesn't always have to be about sex.. unless it was for you, then we might have some issues."
Spencer turned to him slowly as if to gage his reaction.

"Honestly, it wasn't sexual at all. all I was thinking was how beautiful you were."
Spencer smiled but eyed him carefully.
"Even in the state I was in?" He asked tentatively.
"Yeah Spence." Camilo said. "I'm sorry I didn't do a better job of looking out for you last night." He added. Spencer shrugged.

"Don't blame yourself my stupid choices." Spencer said and rested his head on Camilo's chest. Camilo rubbed Spencer's temples and he sighed. "I didn't make it easy for you, you did more than enough." He added then felt the material of Camilo's ruana without opening his eyes.
"I might not give this back." He whispered.
"Fine by me, looks better on you anyway." Camilo smiled.
"Does not." Spencer yawned and fell back to sleep on Camilo's chest.

Camilo couldn't believe how much love he felt for him in that moment.
"He's my person." Camilo whispered to himself.

Alex and Claudia poked their heads in not long after that. They cooed at how cute Spencer looked.
"Baby's first night drinking." Alex whispered. Camilo rolled his eyes at them.
"Don't infantilise him.. that's gross." Camilo said. Alex shrugged.
"Sorry, he does look very sweet in your clothes though." They said. Camilo would take that.
"What happened to you two last night?" Claudia whispered.

Camilo sighed. "Some of the juvenile second years dared my susceptible boyfriend to climb on to the roof naked and he did it."
Claudia and Alex started laughing and Camilo gently rolled Spencer onto his pillow and they went out to the foyer before they could wake him.

"Oh boy!" Alex said with a laugh. "That is hilarious." Camilo glared at them and they covered their mouth.
"Not so much when you find out said second years told him his boyfriend was probably off cheating on him and said boyfriend found him crying on the roof." Camilo said. Claudia gasped.
"Those assholes. Was it Chase and his crew?" Claudia asked. Camilo nodded.
"Weed after alcohol.. his state makes sense now." Alex shook their head. "I hate those guys, poor Spence. Next time I see them I'll give them so much trouble they'll wish they hadn't messed with him." Alex said fiercely.
Camilo was not going to deny them that, no way.

"Spence will be avenged, don't worry." Alex said then pulled out a flyer from their pocket. "But now we have a much more pressing matter at hand." They said and handed Camilo the flyer. At the very top it read "Prom" in big fancy font with dates and attire and the theme but the part that caught Camilo's eye that he was sure Alex was up in a stink about was the part about "bringing a date of the opposite sex."

Camilo gasped. Alex nodded.
"How does that even work for non binary kids like yourself?" Camilo was stunned, he didn't want to think about what that would mean for him and Spencer.

Alex sighed.
"I don't even know." They rolled the eyes and looked Camilo over, he must have looked panicked because they grabbed his shoulder.
"Don't worry, we're going to fight this! I got all six of us an appointment with the principal later this afternoon." Alex said enthusiastically. This was their thing! Alex was going to be very good at this. But Camilo didn't want to get his hopes up that they could win, he didn't even want to think of how Spencer would feel.

"Worth a shot." Camilo shrugged.
"You can do better than that Camilo!" Alex cried. "We're going to fight this and win!"

"School boards are usually all straight white men, aren't they?" Camilo queried.
"Geez Camilo, you're such a pessimist. Don't you want to take Spencer to prom?" Alex asked him, their eyes widening.

"I do, i just don't want to get his hopes up." Camilo said. Alex rolls their eyes.
"Now who's infantilising him? Spencer's a big boy he can handle it, and if by chance he can't then you've shown countless times that you have no problems catching him."
Alex said. They were right but Camilo was still skeptical.

"Alex, ease up. Camilo is just being realistic." Claudia chipped in. "And he's right, what are a bunch of straight white guys going to care if a bunch of queer kids can't take who they want to prom." Claudia sighed sadly.

Alex lifted her chin with a single finger.
"So we find an ally on the staff, isn't it better to give this thing a go than not try at all, Claudia I want to go to the prom with you, I want to see Spencer, Camilo, Eric and Noah get to do the same! If there's even a slim chance that we could make that happen, do we have any another choice?"

This was a softer side to Alex that Camilo hadn't seen before and he found himself sort of moved by it. Claudia nodded, clearly moved too.

"Ah screw it! Let's do it!" Camilo cried. Alex and Claudia beamed at him.
"Alright then! I'll go get Noah and Eric on board. See you queer cats at 3pm!"
And then Alex was gone. Claudia and Camilo laughed but they were ready to kick some heteronormative butt and fuck the patriarchy or something!

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