Chapter 27:

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Camilo took a breather during dance class, he liked to stop for a few moments and watch Spencer move so gracefully and perfectly with whatever steps they were learning that lesson.

"Madrigal! Keep going!" Their teacher waved at him. He blushed, nodded and returned to following Spencer's moves. Camilo was getting so much better at this, he allowed himself to enjoy a moment of progress.
"Good Madrigal! You're improving so much!" Their teacher called out to him.

Spencer turned his head and smiled proudly at him. But then his eyes widened and called out to Camilo to turn around but before he could he felt hands on his back.

Camilo fell forward and because he was in the air his ankle gave out and he heard a sickening crack, and then so much pain seared through his ankle and up his leg. Spencer was by his side in an instant. By this point Camilo thought he was going to pass out from the pain. He could only just feel Spencer's hand on his face.

"Hey darling, stay awake okay, I'll get some help." Spencer squeezed his hand and went to go find their teacher. He hadn't got far when Anton had grabbed the back of Spencer's shirt.

"Back off you loser! Camilo's hurt." Spencer said, his voice bigger and more confident than Camilo had ever heard. Though where Anton went these days Andre, his Vampire sidekick would follow. Andre shoved Spencer onto the floor beside Camilo and then he spat in his face.

Spencer recoiled. Camilo tried to reach for him but to his surprise Spencer ripped a part of Andre's shirt from one of it's ridiculous tethers, wiped off the spit and threw it back at him.

Spencer was back on his feet and throwing a god damned punch before Anton tried to strike him first. Spencer called out to Alex and Claudia. They got the dance teacher, while Spencer sat beside Camilo and tried to coach him through breathing through the pain.
Camilo struggled to breathe against the pain and panic of passing out.
"Hey, 'milo, keep your eyes on me okay? You're going to be okay, Alex and Claudia are getting help. I'm right here."

Camilo kept his eyes on Spencer's beautiful face. And he tried again to coach Camilo through breathing.

That's when he was pulled up in one go off the floor by his teacher.
"Andre, Anton and Spencer. Principal's office now!" She bellowed near his ear. Camilo winced.
"Me? Miss, but i.." Spencer started.
"Now, Mr Davies!"

"Spence." Camilo tried to call out as Alex and Claudia took his weight.
"I need to stay with Camilo." He heard Spencer pleading.
"Spencer, I won't say it again!" Their teacher yelled.
"Spence, Alex and I have got him it's okay." He heard Claudia say before his eyes closed. The rest was a lot of noise, but he made out a few more exchanges before it all got jumbled with the pain.

"This is ridiculous!!" Alex snapped. "Spencer was taking care of Camilo."
"Please just go get Camilo to the nurse." Spencer pleaded with them, he was crying. Camilo could hear it even as his conscience slipped away from him completely.


Camilo woke slowly and very drearily. There was unfamiliar voices and a lot of beeping. Hospital? Then the pain shot through his foot and ankle. He screamed and a nurse came at him.

"Hey, you're okay. You've just woken up from surgery so there's going to be a bit of pain, sweetheart, but we've got you hooked up to morphine." The nurse was a friendly faced Latina with an accent like his mama's.
He could do with his mama being here right now. He wanted to go back home.

Camilo was frightened, scared, tired, overwhelmed in a lot of pain. All he could do then was burst into tears.

"Oh sweetheart." The nurse said sympathetically. She gave him some tablets and water. "I'll go get your friend." The nurse said and stuck her head out the door.

Camilo took the pills and when he looked up Claudia was in the door way. He sighed, relieved at a familiar face.
Not Spencer though. He tried and must have failed to keep the disappointment off his face.

"Not Spencer, but he sent me." Claudia said and hoped up on the bed next him she gave him a hug. "That one's from Spence." She smiled and then hugged him and just held him.
"Okay one of those was from Spence." She said and Camilo smiled despite himself.

"How long have I been here?" Camilo asked.
"Two days." Claudia said. Camilo startled.
"What happened? Is Spencer okay?" His words ran together. Claudia laughed but it wasn't unkind, it never was from her.

"You do realise you are the one in hospital right?" She said with a kind jab at him. She took his hand. Something about Claudia had always calmed Camilo.

"Look, I'm on very strict orders from both Spencer and Alex not to tell you anything till you're out of hospital."
Camilo huffed.

"That sounds more like Alex." He grimaced.
"Ah, you would think. But no most of that comes from Spencer." Claudia said. "But Spence is okay, so don't stress."

Camilo did his best to respect Spencer's wishes.
But he didn't have to be happy about it. So he huffed again.

"So he punches someone and now thinks he can boss me around." He says with a devilish smile on his faces. "I'll crack you, Spinello!" Camilo cried triumphantly. Something he didn't recognise passed over Claudia's face before she laughed.
"Nope my lips are sealed, Madrigal!"
"No fun."

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