Chapter 16:

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"Wow, you didn't tell me your family was so well off, Camilo your room is amazing."

Spencer looked around with wide eyes at Camilo's room. Camilo took the familiar surroundings of his room, his safe haven and smiled. He'd painted it all the colours that he loved before he left, so it was a bit rainbow which he thought was quite telling in the end and added a dance floor, fitted with ballet bars and a mirror, as well as a studio where he would often just sing and record things to his hearts content. The rest was a simple bedroom behind curtains.
He took Spencer's hand in his and he thought only now was it perfect.

"It's not so much that we are rich babe, it's the magic Abuela was given in one of the hardest moments of her life and her courage that we have to thank for all of this." He shrugged off some sad feelings that tried to overcome him.
Spencer squeezed his hand and as Spencer does, healed his heart enough for him to cope.

"She sounds incredible 'milo, I can't wait to meet her." Spencer said as Camilo let him into his little bathroom to freshen up.

"She's going to love you." Camilo smiled as he ran his fingers through his Spencer's curls. Spencer turned towards him a bit abruptly, looking slightly horrified.
"Do you think it's going to be okay that I'm a boy." He asked softly. Camilo tilted his chin up.
"Of course, I have complete faith. It's not going to matter if you're a boy or whatever when she meets you she's going to be as charmed as I am by you.. well maybe not AS charmed as I am."
Camilo laughed softly as he ran his finger tips under the edges of Spencer's shirt, his skin was warm and smooth and he felt Spencer shiver pleasantly under his touch.

Spencer laughed and playfully shoved him away.
"You better stop that if you want me to make a good impression.. or any impression at all." There was that giggle again. Camilo melted.
"Go rest, While I freshen up." He shooed Camilo away but not without a gentle kiss on his lips. Camilo sighed and collapsed onto his bed, all the while listening to his sweet and beautiful boyfriend fussing around. He couldn't have been more thankful for that boy.

Camilo jolted awake at his mama's voice. When had he fallen asleep? Then he heard singing coming from his studio.
"Spencer?" His mama whispered. Camilo nodded and Peppa followed the sound of Spencer's angelic voice as he belted out "Chandelier" by SIA. Spencer's back was to them as they watched him perform to who thought was no one.

"He gives you a run for your money." Peppa nudged Camilo. Camilo scoffed.
"Are you kidding? He's something else, I could never." Camilo said his eyes never leaving Spencer. His mama laughed.
"You look at him the way I used to and sometimes still look at your papa. You love him don't you?" Peppa smiled. Camilo nodded and he knew he was blushing.

The song finished and Spencer turned around. His face was priceless. Just think intense embarrassment and shock and you've got it!
"I hope you recorded that." Camilo told him and Spencer smiled despite not making eye contact.
"Oh Camilo, he's adorable." His mama whispered before wrapping an unsuspecting Spencer in a tight hug. Spencer's eyes widened.
"Nice to meet you Mrs. Madrigal." Spencer sort of squeaked. It was so sweet the way his accent curled around their last name, Camilo absolutely did not swoon.

"None of that Spencer, Peppa is fine." His mama said with a friendly laugh.
"Okay Peppa." Spencer said softly with a smile of his own.
"'Milo, before you come down for dinner go take him to meet your Abuela." Peppa said as she hurried out Camilo's door.

"Shall we?" Camilo offered his hand to Spencer. Spencer took his hand.
"I'm sorry I should have asked before I.."
Camilo kissed him.
"No, you don't ever have to ask." Camilo whispered against Spencer's lip.
"Just for the record, neither do you." Spencer whispered back. Camilo trembled, what felt like all over. And then he felt like crying because he didn't know how long he'd have this.

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