Chapter 17:

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Later that night, despite his mama and papa's wishes Camilo had Spencer in his bed. They listened to Spencer's recording of Chandelier, while Spencer blushed for four minutes straight and Camilo complimented him.

"I'm serious, I have never liked that song but your version made me love it!" Camilo said while Spencer settled onto the bed and pulled the covers over both of them. Spencer turned toward him wide eyed.

"What? How? Lucky I like you." Spencer giggled. And all Camilo could think was how lucky he was to see the cheeky side to Spencer, he doubted many others get to see this.

"You know they are actually going to kill us dead if they find me in here." Spencer said softly as he poked his nose into Camilo's cheek.
"It's okay, I'd never let them get to you." Camilo said rather dramatically as he kissed Spencer's nose and buried them both under the blankets. Camilo knew he'd get a giggle out of Spencer with that move and he wasn't disappointed.

"It's like a little tent under here." Spencer whispered. Camilo pulled Spencer on top of him. For a few moments they just looked into each other's eyes. They could just see each other in the light streaming through a hole in Camilo's blanket. Spencer looked at it, as it happened to be directly in his line of sight, above Camilo's head.

"Did you cut a whole in it, so you could see under here?" Spencer asked as he poked his finger through the whole. Sometimes Spencer's accent sent Camilo into a swoon, this was one of those times.
"I did." Camilo said, he couldn't stop smiling.

"Did you know your accent still makes me swoon sometimes?" Camilo blushed and buried his face in his hands. Spencer tried to peek through Camilo's fingers until he gave up and tickled Camilo.

"Did you know when you laugh like that it makes me swoon." Spencer said and imitated Camilo swooning. Camilo laughed again.

"You're a great actor." Camilo said. Spencer scoffed.
"In the same way that you are a great dancer?" Spencer raised and eyebrow and then he seemed to realise what he had said and covered his mouth.

"Oh my god Camilo, I'm so sorry. You are a wonderful dancer. I'm horrible." Camilo could tell, though he was messing around that he actually felt bad about what he said.

"You are the furthest thing from horrible, darling." Camilo said as he leaned forward and kissed Spencer on his perfectly soft lips.
Spencer leaned into him and kissed him back. Camilo's hands found Spencer's curls and Spencer seemed to mirror him.

It Turned from sweet kisses to them making out quite quickly. They explored each other's bodies. But Spencer seemed to get quite frantic Camilo felt a little bit worried so he held onto Spencer to keep him stead but he put it down to Spencer's excitement until Camilo grazed the inside of Spencer's thigh and he realised Spencer was shaking and then he started crying.

Camilo pulled back gently, a little shaken up himself.
"Spence. Are you okay?" Stupid question, Camilo.

Spencer's breath started to quicken and he gasped for air. Camilo made him sit up.
"Hey, hey." Camilo whispered and tapped their rhythm into the mattress.

"It's okay. You're okay. You don't have to do anything you don't want to do. Not ever." Camilo whispered to him. Spencer's breathing started to slow down.

"I'm so sorry Camilo." Spencer sniffed. Camilo pulled them out of their blanket tent. He thought he had to be quite serious with Spencer for him to get this, so he took some deep breaths.
Spencer turned away from him. Did he think Camilo was mad?

"Please don't ever push yourself like that again, if you are hurting stop. Do not ever do that to yourself for mine or anyone else's benefit." Camilo said and Spencer turned back towards him with a confused look on his face.

"Wait what?" Spencer spluttered. Camilo put his hand on Spencer's heart.
"Listen to this, nobody gets to break that, not even you." Camilo said.
Spencer smiled. Camilo wiped Spencer's tears with his thumb.

"I honestly didn't mean it to go like that, 'milo. It's like, when I got triggered I went back into that moment when those horrible things were happening to me and I couldn't pull myself out of it." Spencer said, and Camilo felt like he bared his heart and soul to him and he wanted to hold it and keep it safe.

They laid down, Spencer's head on Camilo's chest.
"We don't ever have to do that again, if you don't want to." Camilo said softly as he gently brushed Spencer's curls off his face.

"Thanks Camilo, because I honestly don't think I want to, before everything happened, I saw myself as asexual, I still am. of course, I still want the romance of a relationship, I love kissing and holding hands and going on dates, the romance. You know."

"I know what asexual means, sweetheart. And I'm glad you told me but honestly with you Spence, the romantic stuff is my favourite thing to do."

Spencer scoffed but when he turned his head to see Camilo's face he smiled.

"Oh, you're serious. Wow. But Camilo," he said.
"Yeah Spence?"
"I'm not silly, if you're not asexual yourself and you want to have sex someday, I want you to know that you have my blessing to do it with someone else, I'm not going to stop you."

Camilo laughed because damn that was way too adorable.
"What? I'm serious!" Spencer squeaked. Camilo kissed his forehead.
"I know that's why I laughed, did you really just give me your blessing to sleep with someone else?" Camilo laughed some more and Spencer playfully hit him with one of the pillows. And they both laughed and Spencer tackled Camilo. Camilo tickled him. And giggled until they both flopped back onto the bed, exhausted.

"I am serious though Camilo." Spencer said. Camilo nodded.
"I know Spence." He said. "But I don't want anything you can't give me."
"Sure, not now." Spencer rolled onto his side, blue eyes staring straight into Camilo's. "In the future though, you might."
Camilo smiled.
"You intend on being with me for a long time then." Camilo teased. Spencer blushed, nodded and then he gave in to the smile that tugged at the corners of his mouth.
"If you'll have me." He whispered through a yawn.
"Of course, darling." Camilo said.

He watched Spencer's eyes close.
"Sweet dreams Spence." Camilo whispered.
"Sweet dreams 'milo."

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