Chapter 18:

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Camilo woke up with Spencer's head still on his chest and his light snores were the only thing he could hear.. for about a few seconds at least until a herd of Madrigal's raced down the hall yelling and bumping against walls and his door.
He heard panic in the voices of his mama, tio and tia, Antonio cried and the older kids panicked. He didn't need more than that to know what was or had already happened. He froze up, he didn't think he could  have move if he wanted to. At some point Spencer had woken up and was tapping their rhythm into the mattress. Camilo didn't know if that was for him or Spencer but it sure stopped him from flipping out that's for sure.

"Are you alright?" Camilo managed a soft whisper. Spencer nodded slowly and moved to sit in front of Camilo with his legs crossed. Spencer had to help him sit up, Camilo's body wouldn't work with him. Spencer pressed his forehead to Camilo's and he sighed at the comfort he felt just from knowing Spencer was there, from his touch alone.

Camilo let himself take in Spencer in all his beauty, the way his curls weren't meticulously kept this time of morning, to the way his ginger freckles made a bridge over his little pointed noise and the way that when their eyes met he swore the cerulean blue twinkled, just like the ocean they resembled.

"I love waking up with you Spence." Camilo breathed trying to keep the emotion of what was happening outside at bay. He tried to ignore the sirens and focus on the beautiful blushing boy in front of him. The one that flew so far, despite his anxiety and fear of flying just to by his boyfriend's side. And right now was the time Camilo needed him most. But he didn't know how to communicate that to him. he didn't need to. Spencer smiled and took Camilo's hand in his. He squeezed Camilo's hand and told him.

"I'll be by your side all day, whatever you need you've got it, even if you don't want to face the world today you don't have to do it alone okay?" Spencer looked at him with all the tenderness and care that Camilo knew he needed right in that moment.

Camilo hugged him tightly and then he cried and cried while Spencer held him, rubbing circles into his back and singing parts of songs that he knew Camilo loved.
Together they listened as people came up and down the hall.

"Should we go see Camilo? Bring him out to be with the family?" His mama asked who ever she was with, Camilo knew today had to be a hailstorm.

"No Peppa, let Spencer look after him, we have enough to get through today and more importantly Spencer is probably exactly what he needs right now. I don't know, Spencer seems so gentle and patient. I think Camilo's busy brain has met it's match." His Tia Julieta told his mama.
Camilo's heart warmed at her words and Spencer was smiling so widely that Camilo thought his face might crack.

"Tia Julieta is right, Spence." Camilo sniffed. Spencer continued to rub his back in circles, while they laid face to face. He smiled.
"I've never been described that way before, much less been exactly what anyone needs, but it makes me so happy to be helping." He said running his thumb across Camilo's cheek to catch his tears.

Camilo stayed in bed most of the day, Spencer made him tea when he asked, made him eat small amounts even if he wasn't hungry, Tia Julieta was right that Spencer was patient, he never got frustrated with Camilo, he only ever guided him gently by telling him that he thought it was best if Camilo ate a little bit. Camilo listened to him. He thought he'd do anything this boy said though.

Around lunch time, Spencer came back in to the room with a small serving of lunch for him. Camilo noticed right away that Spencer had been crying.

"Who's ass am I kicking for upsetting you?" Camilo asked, he was ready to take on anyone he had to. Spencer laughed softly.

"No one upset me 'milo, so no ass kickings." He said as he prepared lunch for them both and carried them over so they could sit side by side and eat. His Tia Julieta had made a mountain of what Camilo knew were healing empanadas. Camilo smiled.

"Then what happened Spence?" Camilo asked as he found his appetite, his Tia's food has that affect. Spencer smiled before digging into his own empanada.

He held up his wrist and showed Camilo a silver bracelet, Camilo had the same one around his wrist. He pulled back his sleeve, all the Madrigal's had them. Even those that married into the family. It was his his Abuela's way of inviting people into the family. Camilo's heart warmed and he struggled against his own tears.

"Apparently some of your Abuela's last moments were spent carving my name into one of these bracelets." Spencer sniffed and turned his wrist over to show Camilo, what he knew immediately was his Abuela's all capitals writing. Camilo smiled through his tears as he showed Spencer his.

"Welcome to the family Spence." Camilo gave Spencer a hug. They were both teary.

"Your mama said she found it on Abuela's table  this morning after she passed, and she explained to me that people outside your family only got these when she knew they belonged to family, I sort of freaked out at first but your mama assured me I deserved it and that she thought just as highly of me, hence all the tears." Spencer said and gestured to his wet eyes.

"I understand why you'd be surprised, but they are right baby, I'm keeping you. If you want me to." Camilo said helpless to his own tears now.

Spencer smiled.
"I could think of nothing more perfect."

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