Chapter 28:

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Camilo did crack Claudia, it took him approximately another hour to get it out of her.

"They are both going to kill me, but if I tell you, you can't freak out." She said after Camilo had asked her what felt like a thousand questions.

"Me, freak out? Nah!" Camilo laughed.
Claudia rose an eyebrow at him.

"Camilo, if it involves Spencer there's a 100% chance you will freak out." She said crossing her arms. Camilo knew how to play this and he wouldn't even have to lie.

"Maybe because I love him, Claud! And besides I'm more likely to freak out not knowing."
He added his best puppy dog eyes, what? He had brown eyes that were big and all consuming when he wanted them to be, he silently thanked Spencer for eluding to that a few times.

"Oh my god, okay Camilo. Keep in mind Spencer is okay and that you don't need to fight anyone!" She pointed a manicured red finger nail at him. He swatted her away and nodded.

"Well let's start from the last thing you remember, So Spencer of course got dragged off practically kicking and screaming because Ms Gold wouldn't let him stay with you. I swear how much you two can't stand to be separated could be seen as unhealthy.."

"Claudia." Camilo snapped at her but he was still smiling.

"But I digress, Spencer gets dragged to the principal's office.. god I hate that Morgan guy! With Andre and Anton, I hate those two more!
But not without Alex following them all on a tirade of how unjust it is to punish Spencer who was just taking care of you and defending himself like the queer hero they are! But of course no one believed the non binary fire cracker and the pocket rocket gay boy..."

Camilo laughed so hard tears rolled down his cheeks. And the nurse looked in on them to see if they were alright. She looked at them like they'd gone mad but then she smiled and said it was good to see Camilo doing better.

"Anyway," Claudia continued. "No one believed the fire cracker or the pocket rocket." She tried but couldn't keep a straight face. "So they didn't believe Alex and Spencer. That lead to the two week suspension of Anton, Andre and... Spencer.."

"What?!" Camilo gasped. "I swear to god I will.."
"What Camilo? Hit someone with your leg cast?" Claudia snapped and then she softened. "I will not tell you anything else if you don't shut up." She said with a laugh. Camilo sighed.

"So Spence gets hit with the two week suspension as well, he tries to argue his case again.. there's tears this time though. But don't worry I stood in for you and gave him lots of hugs." Claudia laughed. Camilo narrowed his eyes at her but he was quietly thankful.

"So Spence is worried his parents will flip out, but when he calls his mum and I help him explain it wasn't a fair suspension and that all Spencer was doing was protecting himself and you. His mum actually does a 180 and says she's proud of him. Spencer grins like the Cheshire Cat, and the two of them say that they should make the most of the two weeks, and since you won't be able to dance or act because of your ankle, Spencer decided he would ask you to come home with him, once your not in too much pain to fly of course... and I am the worst friend ever!! I just spoiled Spencer's surprise for you!"

Claudia gasps and covers her mouth. Camilo just stares at her wide eyed. When he recovers he smiles.
"It's okay Spinello, I'll act surprised. You might say I'm a talented actor." Camilo said he raised an eye brow at her and acted like he was Mariano... he missed being able to shape shift.
Claudia laughed.
"It's like you shape shifted into someone else." She said with a wink.
"Mind reader!" He gasped.
"Nah, Spencer said you missed it." She smiled.

"Anyway, while you and Spencer go to England, Alex and I, with the help of Noah and Eric who send you their best by the way, are taking on the school board of Middle Aged Straight White Dudes to try and make prom queer friendly. But We secured ourselves an ally, in Mrs. Mitchell, our badass singing teacher!"

Camilo cheered and whooped, in the process he hit his injured leg on the bed railing. And then instead of cheering he was crying when the nurse came in. The plaster didn't seem to be secured properly and his ankle jolted.

"Are you okay?" The nurse asked checking him over. Camilo couldn't speak through the searing pain so Claudia spoke up as she let him squeeze her hand.

"He hit his leg on the railing, I don't think the plaster was secured fully." There was a shake in her voice but the nurse checked it and apologised profusely to Camilo for the doctors carelessness after surgery.
She fixed the plaster, double and triple checking it was on right.

"Are you okay? Can I elevate it for you?" The nurse asked.
"Pain." Camilo squeaked out. He swore he just did more damage to it. The pain was unbearable. He fought with everything in him.. again.. not to pass out.

The nurse looked concerned and gave him some Panadol. She explained that the morphine had been too recent. Camilo pushed himself through the pain, if only because this nurse had been nothing but kind to him. And soon enough the pain eased, Claudia wasn't as good of a coach as Spence.. god he missed Spence.. maybe they were unhealthy? But right then he didn't care. But Claudia got Camilo through it.

"Anyway," Claudia said as she helped Camilo to get comfortable on the bed again.

"No problems, anyway we have our ally Mrs. Mitchell who will fight this with us. We agreed to FaceTime the two of you during the hearings and you know any other time you miss us." She winked. And Camilo kissed her cheek. She shooed him away. And they both laughed.

"When's Spence coming?" Camilo asked.
Claudia frowned.
She glanced at his leg.
"I'm glad that is properly plastered but I'm going to hold it still anyway." She said and secured his leg in place. "He's coming the day after next when you can leave the hospital. He's staying with Alex's family till then. He can't come tomorrow because he has meetings with the principal who is trying to expel him." Claudia winced.

"What?! He can't do that?! As far as he's concerned this is Spencer's first warning.."

"There's proof of the roof nudity." Claudia winced. Camilo frowned.

"Still! That's only two warnings!!" Camilo argued. Claudia frowned again.

"I know but apparently it's enough for Morgan to have a case. But Spencer's dad is on the board, and while he can't directly work on the case concerning his son, he's going to have words with some of his colleagues. So.. what?"

Claudia reacted to Camilo's wince.
"Let's just say, Spence's dad well and truly belongs on the school board." Camilo said.
Claudia frowned deeply.

"Oh poor Spence.." Claudia said.
Camilo must have looked as worried as he felt because she took his hands.
"Then we get Mrs. Mitchell to advocate for him." She says brightly.

Camilo nods but he is still upset.
"He doesn't deserve this." He sighed.
"I know Camilo, it's bullshit. But we'll get him through this! Alex, Noah, Eric, Mrs. Mitchell and I will be with him every step of the way tomorrow okay?"
Claudia said as she rubbed circles into his palms.

"Alright." Camilo said and she hugged him tightly and kissed his cheek before she left Camilo, he was so ready for sleep but his mind kept him up for another hour or so. He worried about Spencer, a lot.

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