Chapter 31:

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The next morning Alex and Claudia FaceTimed with some good news.

"So guess what we heard, that we weren't supposed to hear but heard anyway?" Alex said barely taking a breath the entire time.
Camilo took a moment to make sense of their words while Spencer asked.
"What what what... what?" He matched their excitement and they laughed.

"Spencer gets to stay!!" Claudia cut in and Alex glared at her for a second before they both cheered and Spencer smiled widely.
Camilo hugged him.. but Spencer didn't return it.
"We would have totally rioted had they expelled him because we all know how unfair.."
Camilo started and Alex interrupted.

"Yea Camilo, we know! But that's one unfair thing out of the way! Focus to prom!!"
They really didn't miss a beat. Spencer's eyes dropped and Camilo grabbed his hand.

"Introducing the wonderful Mrs. Mitchell!" Alex said like they were a game show host. Camilo laughed.
"Hello Camilo and Spencer! How's the ankle Camilo?" Mrs Mitchel's face popped onto their screen and Camilo had the urge to push Spencer off the bed.. again. But they weren't doing anything indecent.. at-least not now.

Camilo shook off that thought though, he didn't think Spencer was coping too well this morning.. which might mean it was a one time thing. But Camilo was more than okay with that.

"It's more awkward than anything at the moment, but still pretty painful at times." He sighed.
Mrs. Mitchell gave him a sympathetic smile just as Spencer pulled his hand away and his stomach lurched. He was unsure of the face he'd made but no one seemed to notice.

"Anyway, while I have the two of you. I want to say how proud of you I am for standing up for what you deserve, you deserve it just as much any other kid at that school, and that I will do everything.."

Spencer rose a little abruptly but he seemed to stop himself.
"I have to go help mum with something, Camilo will catch me up." And then he made a break for it down stairs.

"He okay?" Mrs Mitchell asked carefully.
"Not really, I should probably go and talk to him soon. His father left last night." Camilo said sadly and guilt filled him as he realised how insensitive he'd been. Mrs Mitchell frowned and said she was thinking of him.

Then Alex and Claudia leaned in closer.
"Give him some hugs for us." Claudia said. Camilo thought he might be sick.
"Yeah if he will let me, I might have.." he started and Alex squealed and covered their mouth.
"You didn't!" They cried a bit dramatically.
"How did you pick that up so quickly?" Camilo gasped.
"It's all in both of your body language." Alex waved their hand dismissively like it was obvious.
"Look, I fucked up.. badly. I need to go fix this." Camilo was just about to cry.
"You'll get through it, just be patient with him." Claudia said gently.

Camilo hung up and moved as fast as could on his crutches, he had to catch himself before he face planted on the railing. He could hear sobs coming from the bathroom.. at least he didn't have to go down stairs.

Spencer had his knees tucked up to his chest and his face covered by his arms.

"Spence, I'm so sorry. I shouldn't have done anything.. I took advantage of you and I really shouldn't have, you were upset.."

Camilo startled when Spencer yelled at him.. Spencer.. yelling at him?

"Give it a rest Camilo! This isn't about you! This isn't something you can come in and take the blame for! This is just me and my trauma and the fact that I feel like I'll never get away from it! So please, save me the it's all my fault act Camilo! And just listen to me okay?"

Camilo recovered and nodded.
"I'm listening." He said softly.

"I initiated last night, in the moment I wanted it. I wanted you. But I didn't sleep, and I haven't been able to stop feeling sick about it since I did get up." He lifted his head and wiped at his wet cheeks and took some breaths.
Camilo felt like he'd been gut punched.
"It's not about you." He repeated to himself in his head.

"I can see and feel him where you were, I can hear my dad's voice in my head telling me I'm wrong. I can't.. I can't shake it."
Spencer gripped his knees tightly.

Camilo tapped the old rhythm he'd created all that time ago, into the side of the bath as he sat on an old wooden stool beside the bath.
He whispered a Colombian lullaby just as much for himself as Spencer. He didn't want Spencer to carry the pain anymore but he had to accept that he couldn't fix this, only be there to listen.

Spencer whispered for him to sing up so he could hear. So Camilo gave it all he could.

"May your dreams come true
Theres no need to cry
I will be with you....
May your dreams come true
Theres no need to cry
I will be with you... na nanita..
We'll find a way
Just trust in me...
A smile from you
Turns the gray sky to blue
Nanita nana I'll pray for you"

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