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I got back from the hospital and entered once again the empty house with Juliet in my hands.I stayed there for a moment looking at the bedroom  door ,waiting to get opened by one and only Betty Cooper but unfortunately this didn't happened and never will ever again ,i just wanted to make myself believe that she will come back. In the moment Juliet brought me back from my thoughts.

Jug-dadaa lets go to auntie

V-Jug,you ok?(said veronica tapping to my shoulder)

Jug-umm yea yea ...come on baby lets go to uncle Archie and auntie Cheryl

(They went all in the living room and sat into the chouch ,Juliet tried to get up and went to Cheryl)

J-auntie ,will you play wit me?

Ch-of course baby,come on lets get into your room.

(She took Juliet into her hands and went upstairs )

V-Jug will you come at Pembrook tomorrow for Archie's birthday  ? ,i.umm i have work to do

V-why, you saw how sad Juliet got when you told her you'll not come

A-seriously jug ,also you have nothing to do ,you need to get outside of this house.

Jug-i don't need to do anything,all i want is to stay alone with my daughter and you just can't understand that.

V-we are trying to help you.

Jug-how?Getting me out of my own house?

V-we are not saying that but it will help to get in touch with other people and for Jul too,she'll get really happy .

Jug-you can take her if you want she loves to be around you guys.

A-Jug come on ,she won't come if you are not there ,she don't get anywhere without you and you know that.Just for some hours ,come on Jug ,please do it for Juliet and for your amazing ,handsome birthday boy best friend.

Jug-omg archie seriously(i said smiling)

V-that's how we want to see you ,happy, we know its hard but you both deserve to be happy ,that's what she want too

Jug-i know..its just (in that moment Juliet came downstairs running with Cheryl behind her and ran to me,like tried to)

J-dada dada,look look ,i dra tis(she said to me showing me a drawing she just  made,of course she is only four and cant talk real good but i love how she talks)

Jug-o god you really did that?Thats so beautiful honey,see guys i'm raising an amazing future artist (Juliet started giggling and hugged me)

J-i love you dada

Jug-love you too love,so now do you want daddy to tell you a secret


Jug-okay listen(and i started whispering into her ear while the others saw us and smiled)


Jug-yeah baby

J-so wil ve go?

Jug-of course we will

J-yea i'm going to uncles pati(and she huged me more and when i saw how happy she got i realised that i can't bring her down to my misery because of my problems)

Jug-okay baby,let me go now.

J-ups sorry dada (and all started laughing)

J-way you laughing wit me?

Jug- you know you are the most beautiful,kind and funny girl in the world?

J-of course i know,i am just like mommy

Jug-yea just like your mommy(i said while my smile fade)

Jug-umm so its time to sleep  ,come on lets go.

J-nooo i dot want to

Jug-come on Juliet dont do this right now.

J-but i'm not tired and i wan to stay with my aunties and uncle archie

Jug-but to have to sleep please


Jug-please Juliet let's go.

Ch-hey baby look at me?


Ch-how do you think you'll get a big girl if you don't sleep?

V-and also we are leaving now too.

J-ooo ok goodnit

Ch&V&A-goodnight baby girl.

J-i'm not a baby.

V-yea yea,okay

Jug-Can you go to your room and ill be there in a minute.

J-ok(she said and left)

Jug-thanks guys (i said whispering)

V-she's so cute ,anyways we'll go now.

A-Ok lets go .Jug we'll meet  tomorrow?

Jug-yea yea

A-okay night.

Jug-Night guys see you(said jug and they left )He went at Juliets room and went near her)

J-dady will you read a boo for me?

Jug-yea of course i'll read a boo for you(i said laughing.I read to her for another half hour and saw that she was ready to sleep)

Jug-okay enough for today, time to sleep

J-i missed you dad,pease don't do that again.

Jug-oh baby, was an accident i won't do it again ...ok..i promise

J-okay and...dada ,you said that mommy became a angel and she is watching us,is that true?
(with tears now streaming down my eyes i said)

Jug-yes baby she is and is really proud of you,she loves you more than anything in this world.

J-don't cly dada

Jug-i don't baby,i don't ..its just...something got into my eye
(She came and suddenly hugged me)

J-will you sleep with me today...pleaase?

Jug-yeah baby girl of course
(I said and went to sleep with her)



J-i mees mommy(and then i saw she had tears into her eyes)

J-i miss her too baby but don't cry,don't cry you're not alone ,you have me and your aunties and your uncle and also ...i am sure that she don't want to see you sad anymore,okay baby.

J-ok ,goodnit dada.

J-goodnight princess.

(And with that she fall asleep into my arms but i couldn't sleep,i haven't in days ,its just ..that i can't sleep when she not with me in bed and all this shit that happened ,these nightmares that i used to have are back and the panic attacks make me stay awake all night ,of course i didnt said anything to the others because i dont want to worry them but its really hard all of this,and ..everyday i try to put a fake smile on like i always did at school because i don't know how to make this right,i promised that i won't cut myself ever again but when i did i wasn't sure if i could stop myself of doing it cause i know that she was the one that kept me on my sense,my queen.)

Well that's the third chapter of the story ,hope you like it guys!!😇

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