Ticking clock!

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TW:This part contains some triggering actions!If this makes you feel uncomfortable, please skip this part!


It's been a couple of hours since Jughead has left,its almost four pm and I'm really getting worried.He didn't mention anything about going for a walk or meeting someone, just going to Pops.I have tried calling him so many times but nothing,he has just...disappeared.

I tried calling him one more time...voice-mail again ,perfect.

Ch-Jug,this is the 10th voice-mail, where are you?!I'm really getting worried here,you have been gone for hours and I don't know what to do!Juliet has been asking about you too.If you just want to be alone for a moment,its fine,just...call me so I know you're okay,please!!Im worried, especially because of the state you were in the morning.When you hear this call me back.(I said disappointed and hung up)

Putting my phone back in my pocket I got back upstairs to Juliets room.

Ch-hey baby,how are you feeling?Ow the fever is gone i see(I told her as i felt her forehead,sitting next to her in bed)

Jul-is dada back home yet?(she suddenly asks me,starring right into my eyes)

Ch-um he...no,he's not back home yet but...I talked to him in the phone and he told me that he had a work to do real quick so...that's why he is late.


Ch-yea baby.Dont worry,dada is gonna be back soon.


Jul-You're not lying to me,right?(she asked me slowly)

Ch-what?No baby,of course not.Why would you think that?

Jul-because the last time dada didnt come home for a long time and...and i dont want to be alone again(she said as tears appeared to her eyes , my heart shattering seeing her cry)

Ch-no,no baby.Dont think like that,your dad is never gonna leave you again,okay?Never.That was a little accident and it will never happen again,i'll make sure of it.Plus ,he's be back any time now.

Jul-yea?(she said and smiled to me)

Ch-of course baby.Juliet....your dad loves you more than anything in this world and he'll do anything for you to be happy and be by your side.You're his little princess, remember?!Do you think he can live away from his princess?!With who is he gonna watch all these Disney movies and eat sooo much popcorn?!(I said and tried to make her laugh a bit)


Ch-exacly pumpkin.Now,don't cry anymore.Everything is okay.Let me see that beautiful smile of yours?!(I said as a smile appeared to her face)

Ch-ah that's what I needed,now my day is wayyyy better.

Jul-aunty stooop(she said and covered her face, laughing)

Ch-okay,okay i'll stop but...i was thinking...why don't you take a nap,uh?I'm sure that when you wake up Juggy is gonna be back and we can watch a movie and make pizza,just the three of us.

Jul-really?!Can I help with the pizza?

Ch-of course you're gonna help little pumpkin.Now try to sleep ,ok?!I'll be downstairs If you need anything.(I said and gave her a kiss)

Jul-okayyy!!(she said and got under the covers as I switched off the light and closed her door,my smile disappearing)

Ch-God Jug,where are you?!(I asked myself as a tear slided down my cheek and i slowly made my way to the living room)

             _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

Two hours went by and still nothing.Juliet was still sleeping and I was walking up and down the living room, worry consuming me.I have called everyone and no one has heard of him,no one.I also called Pops,he told me that Jug was there in the morning but even then,he was acting really strange and left running, which made me even more concerned.What has happened to get him run away from Pops and not come back home?

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