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TW:mention of panic attacks and mental disorders  .

One week ago

When i woke up some hours later i felt  lost and i had the worst headache  i have ever had.I tried to move but my body was really sore and without realising a groan escaped my mouth.Then immediately Cheryl turned her head and came near me with a worried look.
Ch-omg jug you're awake,you cant imagine how much you worried us.Are you feeling good ,you do want to get you a doctor?
J-Cheryl calm down ,i am fine just a little sore .Where....where is Juliet?
Ch-emm don't worry about that she's with vee.
J-a ok thanks for taking care of her.(At the moment i remembered the really bad headache that i had and put my hands into my head and groaned)
Ch-Jug.... seriously now ,you okay do you want me to bring a doctor.
J- No Cheryl ,really i am fine ,just a headache nothing else
Ch-ok if you insist ,ummm jug do you want to talk ,what happened? ,why do you keep doing this to yourself ?What if we hadn't found you on time ,what would have happened then ?
(I don't even want to imagine what would have happened if they didn't , oh my god why  am i so stupid ,why would i do that again ,how could i do this to Juliet,to my own daughter.Without realising tears started forming into my eyes.)
While talking to Jug i saw he started crying.I know that this is very hard for him,since we lost Betty he started acting weird ,his anxiety attacks got worse and he started cutting again.Its not the first time that he ended up in hospital but there's nothing else we can do except staying by his side and helping him getting over this.He has to realise that he has a baby girl waiting for  her father to get home and play with her and that he needs to try and get better for his and Juliet's good.All i could do this moment was to hug and comfort him.
Ch-shhh Jug ,don't cry everything is going to be okay ,you'll see
J-i...i..i aam s..sorry ,i..i'm so sorry,i did...didn't mean to e...end up l..like this ,i just can't ...can't stop ,i miss her.. and i...i w..want her back ...i c.c..cant live wit..without her Cheryl ...it..it wa..was m..my fault...sh..she died b..because o..of m..me and i c..cant ge..get o..ver this ,it was s...upposed to be me not ..he..her .Juliet is..not g..going to s..see her mommy a..again bec..because i..i..i. (tries to breath)
Ch-Jug ...hey Jug look at me ,hey look at me that was not your fault just try to breath ok,in and out(he tried to but it was getting harder and i started panicing)
J-i...i..d.....di..didn't ...mm..e...mean ....t..o...
(and thats when he passed out without breathing )
Ch- omg omg jug i..i..(and i started running out of his room to get his doctor and finally finding him in the hall)
Ch-d...doctor its Jug he..he had a panic attack and..and p...passed out.
(And thats when i saw him running to jugs room with some other doctors letting me outside crying)
Ch-please...d...do something...take his pain a..away(i said crying and falling into the floor staring at the empty hallway)
Some minutes later the doctor came out  and i immediately stood up
Ch-Ho..how is he?Is he okay?
D-For now everything is under control ,now he is sleeping but...when he wakes up we have to discuss about this attacks and suicidal thoughts ,as i saw he was diagnosed with PTSD and depression ,these are really serious disorders ,he needs immediately help ,it looks like this is only the beggining ,i know that its really hard for him right know ,with betty's loss and the baby and his past but he need medical help
Ch-yea i understand ,thank you..umm can i go and see him
D-as i said he's sleeping but if you want you can go
Ch-ok(i said and got into Jugs room.When i approached him ,he was hooked up with machines and an oxygen mask,he looked pale.)
Ch- o Juggy (tears running from my eyes)
Ch-i know that right now thats really hard and everyones heart is broken because of what happened but ....jug ...everything its gonna be okay ..i promise.
(And with that i sat into the chair staring at my best friend)


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