Under my long sleeve shirt.

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TW:mentions of panic attacks,abuse,self-harm,ED,mental disorders,adult language. If any of this topics may be triggering to you please skip this part.


And here I am.Some hours later in  Cheryl's doorway waiting for her to open the door so I could go to my birthday princess.

J-Come on Cher,these things are heavy you know.(I said sarcasticly while I kept two big teddy bears in my hand with balloons  and a cake ready you slip out off my other one.)


Ch-coming (I heard her saying and two seconds later she opened the door)

Ch-Wow Jug,did you robbed Disney land?

J-ha ha,so funny.Now help me out before this thing slip off(I told her and gave her the cake as we got inside)

J-god,my hands.(I said and sat on the couch)

J-what were you even doing so long?Do you know from when I was out there?

C-well nope.Also....Happy birthday to your girl,dada.

J-aw haha thank you Cheryl.W...where is she?

C-she is still sleeping, something that I think that you haven't done for a long time.

J-What,no,I...I have slept...

C-well ,these bags under your eyes says otherwise.

J-Cher,I'm fine,really.

C-Were you at her again?


C-Jug,the truth,please.

J-yea,I was.

C-Why a..and alone?Do you remember what happened the last you went alone,don't you?

J-i..I don't want to think of that.

C-exacly.Jug everytime you go there you take five steps back into trying to heal.

J-I missed her okay?Why is that a problem,I can't understand you.What if it was Toni?What would have done?


J-save it,I'm going to Juliet(I said and took everything upstairs)

As I opened the door I saw that she was peacefully sleeping.God ,she is so beautiful.Quietly not wanting to wake her up yet ,I put the bears next to her and the balloons to the nightstand.With a lighter I lighted the candles and then I saw Cheryl coming into the room smiling softly at me.And then I started singing to her as she softly opened her eyes,smiling wide when she realised what was happening and moving her head and hands to the rhythm of the "music".

Jug-Happy birthday to you, Happy birthday to you, Happy birthday to my little princess, happy birthday to you.(I finished and kissed her head.

Jug-happy birthday baby girl.

J-awww dada,I love you so much(she said and hugged me a little bit tighter than I thought and accidentally winched when she pressed on my new cuts,hoping Cheryl didn't realised it.

Ch-happy birthday beautiful.(she said and came and hugged her tightly,taking into her arms)

J-thank you aunty.

J-wait a minute(she said turning to the stuffed bears)


Jug-yep,all yours.

J-OMG ,THESE ARE AMAZINGGG(she said,getting off Cheryl's arms into the bed)

J-look how cute they are....just like me.

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