A glimpse of joy

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Tw⚠️:This part contains mentions of Ed and insomnia.If you feel uncomfortable with any of these topics please skip this part!


The gray hue of dawn painted the room, and I found myself in the familiar limbo between night and day. In the silent hours of the night, insomnia wrapped its cold, unforgiving fingers around me, tightening its grip like an invisible shroud as the room bathed in the eerie glow of the moon. Sleep, a distant companion, eluded me once again.Tossing and turning, i tried to escape the clutches of wakefulness, but the more i fought, the tighter the bonds became. Hours slipped away like grains of sand through my fingers, leaving me suspended in a state of fatigue that refused to transform into restorative slumber.I turned around and looked to my alarm clock on my nightstand,the numbers 4:42 illuminated in the dark room.With a quiet sigh I got off my bed and made my way to the door,exhaustion clinging to every step I took and my eyes feeling dry and heavy as I decided to seek solace in the silent hallways of the second floor.Whats the point of staying in bed when you know you won't fall asleep again?!

I slowly walked to the end of the hallway,the soft creak of Juliet's door echoed through the hallway as I peeked in. Jules, lost in dreams, slept peacefully, her innocence a stark contrast to the turmoil that kept me awake. A fleeting smile graced my lips as I watched her, the embodiment of everything precious in my life.

I slowly closed the door,careful to not make any noise.The muted sounds of the house at rest wrapped around me, a silent reminder that the world outside our cocoon was steeped in sleep. But my mind, unwilling to surrender to the quietude, raced with thoughts that danced like shadows in the recesses of my consciousnes just as I made my way down the staircase, each creak beneath my weight echoed through the stillness.

The living room was dark and silent.The clock on the wall ticked away, a steady reminder of the restless hours that had passed. I slowly settled on the sofa,taking the remote in my hand. The TV flickered to life, not as a source of entertainment but as a desperate attempt to fill the silence that enveloped the room.

My mind runs with questions, trying to solve the equation of survival.Its been more than two weeks since I have lost my job,more than two weeks since I stepped out of that doorstep and by now it feels like a lifetime since I have felt like myself.

The hours passed painfully slow until the morning sun gently filtered through the curtains, its golden rays painted the room in a warm embrace.I slowly turned my head to the wall,the clock finally showing 8:15.

I took a deep breath,gathering myself and got up,making my way to the kitchen.The hours ran and I knew that after a bit my little baby would start running around,so I had to make breakfast.

After making a whole mess and as I carefully arranged the pancakes on the counter, a canvas adorned with syrup, chocolate, and an array of fresh fruits,a small voice echoed from the stairs.

J-Dada?(i heard her soft voice say,her words still heavy with the remnants of sleep helding a hint of curiosity  as she rubbed her eyes,her teddybear in her hand)

A tender smile graced my lips as i approached her slowly,her messy blonde hair and her pajamas adorned with cartoon characters made me laugh a little.Without uttering a word, I swept her into my arms, feeling the warmth of her sleepy embrace against my chest.And as i was"showering" her with kisses,her laughter echoed into the whole house.

J-what are those???(she asked,pointing behind my back)

Jug-its something really yummy.(I whispered letting her down,watching her run to the counter)

J-Pancakes!!(she exclaimed excited, sitting down ,her little fingers reaching the plate)

Jug-wait,wait,no one is gonna take these away(I said giving her the plate as she started eating)

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 01 ⏰

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