In need of help

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And here we are,both with tears sliding our eyes,me trying to comfort him and to put him into sleep just like a little baby,fragile,ready to break into pieces.

Thankfully with the pills I gave him,he fell asleep in seconds,he really needs it.

Ch-Jug,why are you hurting so much?(I said crying,even though I knew he couldn't hear me)

As I was covering him up with a blanket someone knocked.It was Veronica,her expression turning sad as she saw us. is he?

Ch-like you see,at least he fell asleep.


Ch-he hadn't slept in four days,you knew that?(I said stopping her into place)


Ch-o..or that he has started cutting again...or that he don't eat most of the times.

V-my God(she said while a tear slide down her cheek)

Ch-What kind of friends are we?How couldn't we see ,how couldn't realise he is going through all of this again o..or that he relapsed into self-harm?(I said,now both me and Veronica crying while staring at him,peacefully sleeping)

V-h...he is going to destroy himself like this,w..we need to.. to help him Cheryl b..but it's gonna be really difficult.

Ch-i know.

V-we can't do this alone,we have tried so many times,he needs a professional.

Ch-i know,I just...i thought and wished that he wouldn't get that far(I said caressing his arm ,still crying when I heard the door slowly open,it was Juliet,with a really sad and worried expression)

J-how are you dada...(she said loudly then she saw that Jug was asleep so she stopped and came slowly near him)

J-he is sleeping?!

Ch-yea baby,he was a little bit of tired.

J-i didn't mean to make him sad,I always make him sad.(she said crying now)

Ch-no baby,no.You didn't do any of this.

J-i did,I always do,i hurt him.

V-Jules,listen to us,yea your dada may have some problems but you,especially you have nothing to do with them.He loves you so much,you would never hurt him,in any way baby,he loves you too much and so do you.You two need each other,he needs you.You are his little princess,aren't you?

J-i..I am.

Ch-yea baby,you are.Come here.(I said and took her into a hug)

Ch-and never say that again,okay?Never.

J-okay aunty.

Ch-now wipe those tears from your beautiful face. he okay now?How long will he be asleep?

Ch-i don't know baby,he needs to rest.Do you want to go downstairs with the others?We can cut the cake.

J-i don't want to,not without dada.I don't want to let him alone,I'm gonna stay here until he wakes up.

Ch-but Jules..

J-please aunty.

V-Cheryl,let's let her stay.

Ch-okay baby but stay quiet OK?

J-yea(she said and both me and Veronica got up and made our way to the door.)

As I was about to close it I saw Juliet getting under the covers,giving Jughead a kiss and saying...

J-i love you dada,so much.Dont worry you'll be okay,I'm here with you,I never will leave,I'll keep you safe just like mommy told me.(she said and a tear slide down her cheek as she sat back down,hugging Jug softly and closed her eyes)

Jug was right,she is just a kid,a six year old kid.We need to keep her away from all of this.She lost her mom,she cant lose Jughead too.He is trying,he really is but...his past is pushing him into this state.He just want to give Juliet a peaceful life,a happy family and childhood,something that he never had.He wants her to be happy,to laugh,to be a kid,to play with friends,to not be scared ,to feel safe into their home,to feel safe with him.He is really bad,mentally and he knows it, but...he doesn't say anything because he is scared,scared that he is gonna lose Juliet just like he lost Betty that he is dying inside day by day.We can't let him do that,we can't . We'll stay by his side,help him and..

V-Cher?(Veronica said getting me out of my thoughts)

V-you okay? said wiping my tears)

Ch-yea,I'm fine now.L..let's get downstairs.

And so did we.Everyone was gathered in the living room,all worried.

T-what happened?Is he okay?

V-umm he..he is sleeping now,with Juliet.

K-But...why ,how...

Ch-he is not doing good Kev,he...

And like that I sat down and told them everything.Watching your friend in a state like that hurts and you could see that into our face while we sat all in silence,me watching around when my eyes landed on a frame,a photo.It was them,Jug,Betty and Juliet,the three of them with the biggest smiles,laughing, hugged with each other,the perfect family where love overtook everything but now....the foundations of this family are cracked and If we don't do anything soon,they are gonna fall.


Hey guys!!!How are you doing?Hope you are all good.Soo...this is the fifteenth part of this book,hope you like it.Finally we'll have a new episode of Riverdale to watch tonight,tomorrow for me.🥳Umm let me know what do you think about this part,
Stay safe,
Love u all!!😘

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