Unexpected things.

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Chery's POV

I just came home from the mall,i'm so bored and i'm starving so i called Veronica to come over.I cooked and put a film on so when she comes everything is ready.Ten minutes later i heard her car.

Ch-Hey Veronica,thanks for coming,i was kind of really bored.

V-Me too,i was alone at home,Archie was working.

Ch-uff ok come in ,i made us dinner.

V-umm perfect,i'm hungry.

We ate while watching the movie,which was really good.

V-I love this actor,i have seen all of his movies,he's hot....don't say that to Archie.

Ch-hahaha no,no i won't.

As we were talking my phone rang.

V-Who is it in this time?

Ch-well let me see.

I said and went to the kitchen to take it.

Ch-Ow its just Jug.

V-a ok.

Ch-Hey Juggy,whats up?


Ch-Baby,whats wrong ,why are you crying?(i said concerned when i heard that it was Juliet in the phone,crying)

Ch-Is everything okay?

J-a...a...auntie c...can y..you come h...h...here please.

Ch-yea ,yea but tell whats wrong.

J-d...d..dada i..is ....

Ch-is he okay?

J-a....a...lady came earlier and h...he got really an...angry a...and send me i..in my room a...and now i...i can hear them....s...screaming to e...each other.

Ch-okay don't worry baby,i'm on my way.

J-i..i am scared auntie.

Ch-don't be princess ,i'm coming now.

I said and hung up.

V-w...whats wrong?

Ch-she told me that someone got there and that Jughead got really angry and now they are screaming to each other.

V-What?Who might that be?

Ch-I...i don't know..

V-You don't think its.....

Ch-I hope not...anyway i'm going there,you stay here,if anything happens i'm gonna call you.


I then graped my keys and drove to Jugheads house.As i arrived at the door ,i knocked but no one answered,all i heard was crying so i opened with my keys.What i saw in front of me shattered my heart.It was Jug on the floor,sobbing, his eyes bloodshot,while hugging Juliet.I immediately ran to them.

Ch-omg w..what happened?

J-a...auntie,p..please help d...dada.

Ch-i will baby,i will just go into your room please.

In that moment  Jughead  passed out.

J-w..whats....what happened t..to him?(she said crying)

Ch-Juliet baby,he is gonna be okay,please go to your room.

J-b...but d..dada

Ch-Juliet go.(I said and she ran up the stairs)

Ch-omg Juggy.
I said while tears made their way down my cheeks.Seeing him in this situation is really breaking me.
Its not the first time that this has happened ,he had passed out a lot of times so i knew what to do in this situation,he was under a lot of pressure.After some minutes i got him into the bed ,covered him with a blanket and kissed his forehead.Jughead for me is like a brother,i love him and he loves me unconditionally.After some minutes i got into Juliets room.She was still there in her room crying.

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