Its okay

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TW-this part contains mentions of abuse.If you feel uncomfortable with this please skip this part.



B-omg Jughead(I heard Betty scream as she ran into our usual spot,the high cliff at the sweetwater River)

I didnt turned my head but I could hear her breathing heavily as she came closer and closer and then I felt her arms around me,my body shaking as she pressed on my bruises but I didnt move or say anything, I knew she needed this just as much as I did.

B-oh Juggy I was so worried.I thought something happened to you and..and I couldn't...I hadn't a way communicate with you.I h...have come here who knows how many times but weren't here and...(she said in one breath,her grip getting stronger like she was afraid that if she left me I would disappear again )

J-shhhh baby,I'm fine and I'm here now.I promise.(I said to her and she just kept hugging me)

After some minutes she got back and a loud shaking breath was heard when she gazed my face and tears started leaving her eyes.


J-shhh baby,don't cry ,I'm okay now(I said and i wiped her tears softly with my thumb and gave her a soft kiss that I have missed more than anything these past two weeks)

B-what the hell did he do to you?(she said concerned)

J-it doesn't matter Betts.

B-seriously Jug?!You just disappeared for two whole weeks,you weren't at school or here or  at Pops,no one had heard of you and now you barely keep your body up because I realised that and your face has turned purple with red scars and you say that it doesn't matter?!

J-Betty he got way too angry at me when the principal called and...and I couldn't do anything about it,okay?(I said to her as tears started running down my face)

J-it was really bad Betts,I...I was so fucking scared.

I said shaking and then she hugged me again.

B-oww Juggy,shh.(she whispered to me,trying to calm me down)

J-i..I.i don't t..think I.. I ca..can do this anymore Betty.H...he was...was ready .(I said now on the edge of a panic attack as I started sobbing)

J-h..h..he has h..hitted me.. me before b..but n..not like coul.. could s..see the r..rage on h..his eyes.(I said not able to breath now)

B-shhh Juggy,its okay.Try to calm down,breath.(she said while she was caressing my hair,she knew that it always calmed me down)

J-h..he h..hitted me,p..punched,cutted me,I...I wo..would have d...d..died I.. in tha.. that s..stupid w...weeks 2..fuc..fucking w..weeks and n..none of t..them cared a..ask o..or see I.. I was.I was u..unconscious f..for w..who knows many d..days o..on the f..floor.(I said now gasping for air)

B-hey,hey,hey Jug.I..its okay,please calm down babe.Im here with you,breath,just breath with me.Here..(she said and took my hands into hers)

B-look at me Jughead.( she said softly and stared at me while I saw tears leaving her piercing green eyes)

B-everything is gonna be all right,I'm here with you.Well find a solution and you'll see...I promise you'll that they are gonna pay for everything they have done to you babe.I love you soo much Juggy,never forget that,I'm here for you.

J-i..I love you too.(I said and kissed her)

B-i feel so bad,it's all my fault.If it wasn't me Fp wouldn't...

J-no no no Betts,it's not your fault,any of this.Those assholes deserved it,no one can talk for you like that.(I said but she kept staring at me with a really sad expression)

B-yea but you didn't deserve this(she said and pointed at my face and body)

B-can I see?(she said softly)

J-see what?

B-your wounds Jug,have you cleaned them?Are they infected?(she said now in concern)

J-Betts you don't need to worry ab..

B-please(she said and then without a choice I raised my shirt revealing my damaged,bruised body)

B-oh my god Jug(she said when she saw them and immediately hugged me again,crying)

B-im sorry,I'm so sorry babe.

J-shhh Betts please don't cry.

B-you were hurting and i wasn't there for you.

J-you couldn't do anything anyway.

B-i swear to god I'm gonna kill them.

J-hah yea?

B-yea,they hurt you.(she said  staring at me now)

B-does it hurt?(she said while she caressed the big scar that started from my chest to the bottom of my stomach)

J-not so much anymore.(it was lie,it did hurt and a lot but I couldn't say that to her)

B-when are you allowed to come back at school?

J-for two weeks.

B-ughh Jug.(she said and rested her head on my shoulder)

B-i have missed you so much and with mom at home things aren't so good.I need you.I want you,to kiss you,to hug you and not only here.I don't want to hide this anymore Jug.I love you.

J-i know baby ,I know.I want this more than anything but...we can't.They are gonna make our lifes a living hell if they find out.

B-like they aren't already.

J-dont worry,everything it's gonna be alright.You'll see,in some years we'll have our own house,we'll work together...have kids.


J-yea,you'll see.We will have a big happy family with umm...two little nuggets.

B-ugh don't you dare call our kids nuggets Jughead,they are not food.

J-hahahaha OK,OK boss.(I said and gave her a kiss as we stare into the dark sky full of bright start as the wind took our problems away.In this moment it was only me and her and no one else in this world.


I have lost track of time by now.I am sat as always in the sofa near the window starting at the stars,old memories passing by my head.I hadn't even realised I have started crying,while I still caress the scar on my chest,still feeling her warm touch.

J-dada?!(I heard a quite voice coming from the stair and I turned my head slowly to see a half sleepy Juliet with her teddy bear in her arm)

Jug-hey baby.Why are you awake?(I said as I quickly wiped my tears,got up and took her into my arms)

J-i came to sleep with you but you weren't there.

Jug-ow I.. I couldn't sleep so I came downstairs and stared at the stars.

J-can I stay with you?

Jug-yea,of course but for a little bit okay?!Then we are going to sleep.

J-ok(she nodded and I took her with me to the sofa.)

We were just laying there,her in my arms,covered with a blanket staring outside the window when she talked again.

J-i love you dada.(she said and she hugged me)

Jug-love you too baby.(I said and kissed her forehead as she slowly fall asleep on my arms,me following her a few minutes later)


Hey guys!!How are you?Hope you are all good.So this is the 18th part of this book,hope you like it.Let me know what do you think of it in the comments.Thats all for today,
Stay safe,
Love u all,K!!❤

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