Into the dark

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TW:mentions of abuse and self-harm.


And then I got up and left her behind.The atmosphere around me heavy just like everytime I come here to talk with her and then have to don't want me to go,like she feels lonely and wants me to stay by her side.Now it was already midnight,I should go home but....I can't, not right now,it doesn't feel right.Sleep is not an option too,I haven't slept in days,insomnia is driving me crazy and even if I managed to get asleep the nightmares wouldn't let me for too long,also...what's the matter of going into an empty,cold house and stay on your own?My little Juliet wasn't there too so I preferred to go sowhere to clear my mind,somewhere only me and Betts knew,the only place i can calm my thoughts down and think straight,the high cliff near Sweetwater river so there is where I went,I sat down near the edge and enjoyed the cold air blowing my face.In the moment the only thing that came into my mind were the memories, thousands of memories of the countless times me and Betty came into this exact place, secretly of course of our parents ,escaping the hellhole we used to call home even for a couple of hours.Even if they were good or bad.


7 years ago (both Betty and Jughead were 17)

It was already dark outside so I took the first opportunity and left the little shitty trailer.Thank God,both of my parents were passed out on the couch so they didn't hear me.And as soon as I got out,I started running like crazy,well as fast as I could in that physical state that I was in the past two weeks.As you can understand I had a session with my "beloved" father that....i can say that ended up really badly.For two weeks in row I couldn't move my whole body,literally I was useless.Well all you need to know from that night is that it was a real nightmare and extremely painful.Anyway,now I was a little better and able to walk I am.The air was cold,really cold and the streets were already lifeless,not a single person was out here.Everyone was enjoying their hot chocolate in their warm home with their family in front of the TV in this cold December night.And I....I am running to the only person I can call my family or let's say the only person that feels like family and that loves me and doesn't hurt me.
Its been a really long time that I haven't seen her,I needed to know she was okay,I needed to see her bright smile and her piercing green eyes.I have missed her.As I was getting up to the cliff I saw her standing there with worried eyes until she turned and saw me approaching .A big smile came up and she started running to me ,giving me the most warm hug and the most passionate kiss,the ones that I have missed so much.

B-omg Juggy,ufff I have missed you so much.

J-me too baby,me too ,you have no idea. Come on.(I said and we headed into the end of the cliff and meanwhile I saw that she was watching me strange maybe because I was limping.

B-What happened?Where were you all these days,Jug?You got me worried sick.I didnt know what to do anymore,you just....disappeared, for two weeks,two full weeks,I thought something bad must have happened.I asked everyone and no one knew where were you,I wanted to come but...I was afraid that our parents would find out and then...(she said and tears start heading out of her eyes)

J-i know Princess, I know and....I'm so so sorry I'm here and....I'm fine.All I needed is here now, everything is fine ,don't cry.

B-Jug....w...wh..but it doesn't look like that,fine,you doesn't look fine.

J-Betts, you dont need to worry for me,it's nothing I haven't been through before.The most important part is that we are back together.(I said and hugged her but as I did she winched, like she was in pain and I immediately got my hands off)

J-what was that?

B-For what are you talking about? just winched,are you hurt?

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