A knock from the past

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Cheryl's POV

2 hours later after Jughead fell asleep i decided to go back to Veronica's to take Juliet home,to mine of course ,for now i wanted Jughead to sleep and relax,all of these has been a lot for him these past days.Driving i coulnt take out of my head what i saw today,it was playing again and again into my mind.I started getting really worried about him,i already lost one of my besties ,i dont want to lose another one.After i arrived,i went inside and the party was still on and everyone was dancing.I wasnt in a good mood so i went straight to Veronica.

Ch-hey vee ,where is Juliet ?I'm taking her to mine tonight.

V-What ?Why?Is everything okay?It has to do smth with Jug?

C-yea but...we'll talk about it tomorrow, okay?

V-uff okay umm she's in my room.

C-okay bye,see ya.

I said and went to Veronica's room and there she was the little angel sleeping peacefully on the bed.I approached her quitely ,not wanting to wake her up and took her into my arms and left.When i arrived home i changed her and put her to sleep but unfortunately she woke up .


C-yes baby ?

J-w..why i'm not at home?

C-tonight you're gonna sleep with me okay? And tomorow i'm gonna take you home.

J-oh ok.... ummm did you went to dada?

C-yea i did.

J-was he sad?

C-ummm no baby no ,he wasnt ,you know how much he loves you.Now, no more questions ,time to sleep.

J-okay.Goodnight aunty.

C-goodnight .

After i kissed her forehead she fall asleep and i lied down next to her but i coulnt sleep ,not after what happened.
The next morning by 10 i woke up Juliet so she could eat breakfast and then go to Jug.

C-wake up sleepy head,time for breakfast.

J-umm w...what?noooo...

C-come on ,they are gonna get cold and also Jughead is waiting for us.

J-oo okay okay......what did you make?

C-hmmm what do you think?

J-did you make pancakes?(she said with a very big smile)

C-well ,i dont know,lets get ready and see together.

After washing her face and changed into new clothes she ran to the kitchen.

J-yes(she yelled and i started laughing ,sitting down in one of the chairs)

J-i can say you know me really good...i love these.

C-well yea... and eat slower no one is going to take them away from you.

J-mhh.... dada is always making me these and sometimes i help him,we have a lot of fun.

C-really?I'm happy to hear that.

After we finished i took my bag and we went outside and drive to Jug's house.When we arrived i opened with my keys ,i thought he may be still sleeping ,and got inside.

J-i'm going to see if he is upstairs.

C-okay but be quit he may be sleeping.

J-okay(she said and went upstairs .Some minutes later she didn't came back so i got to Jug's room too and what was in front of me made my day.There was Jughead on the bed and Juliet on his arms hugging him and he caressing her hair.

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