Bad feelings

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TW:Self harm
(This is set at the same time as the previous chapter but at Cheryls Pov not Jugheads)

Cheryl's POV

3 hours before

I just got Juliet from Jug's home and got her into the car and started heading to Archies and Veronicas house.I'm getting more and more concerned about Jughead.I dont know but...he seems getting worse.He needs to get back to therapy but he refuses.He's afraid .....well i know its hard after what happened before but...he needs to,thankfully at least he doesnt cut anymore,well i hope so.I didnt liked that we left him all alone,he promised that he 'd come but he wasnt feeling good so i give it to him.While i was driving i realised that the little mouse from behind was very silent,like very unusual of her.

Ch-baby ,you okay?You haven't told me a single word since we left.

J-i..i am fine.

Ch-okay,if you say so.

5 minutes later we arrived ,knoked on the door and it opened with veronica behind it .

V-hey...omg look how beautiful our little princess is(she said giving her a kiss)

V-...ummm wheres Jug?

Ch-He wasnt really good so he called me to take Juliet with me.

V-ow okay come on now(she said and Juliet ran and got to Archie)

J-Uncle Archie happy bilthday ...look what i made you(she said and gave him the card and the present)

A-What?Did you do this?Omg its amazing ,thank you .Come here to give you a kiss(and then archie took her into his arms and approached us).

Ch-hey Arch,happy birthday man.

A-Thanks Cheryl very where is Jug?

Ch-he stayed home ,he wasnt feeling good.

A-What?I talked to him like 2 hours ago and he seemed fine to me.

Ch-well...i dont know,he said he was gonna sleep ,he looked tired.(and then he exhaled ,nodding sad).

Ch-well Juliet why dont you go and play with the other kids?

J-otay(she said and ran to the other kids in the garden,while the music started)

A-sooo..could you dance with me miss?(he said looking to Veronica)

V-of course handsome.

(And they started dancing ,laughing to each other.Everyone was parting and laughing but i ...i just felt like something was off.I couldn't stop thinking of Jug and i'm scared.I got out of my thoughts when two gentle,amazing hands touched my shoulders and of course i knew it was non other than my TT.)

T-Hey beautiful.

Ch-hey baby ,whats up?

T-nothing,the usual ,you wanna dance?

Ch-i'm not in a good mood Tony right now.

T-oww come on,you are the queen of the parties ,if you dont dance than who will,come on lets have fun.

Ch-okay, okay.

(It has been one and a half hour since we started dancing.It was really fun but i got tired and my heals were killing me so i went to the living room and set down into the couch.The party was amazing.It has been a really long time since we did this.I was drinking my wine and watching the others dancing when i heard someone crying in the next room so i got up and went to see.When i got inside i saw Juliet in the bed crying.

Ch-oww baby ,what wrong?Why are you crying?


Ch-tell me baby,what happened?Dont you like it here?

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