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TW-this part contains mentions of ED,insomnia and adult language.If any of this is triggering for you please skip this part.


2 weeks later.

These 2 weeks past really quickly and thankfully really quitly.Most of the time I was working so I hadn't really the opportunity to think of something else. I tried to talk with the other about what happened at Juliets party but surprisingly they looked like they didn't wanted to discuss it or something like that and I just drop it cuz it was the best option for me but I did talked with my little baby.I know that all of these have affected Juliet in so many ways and I'm.....I feel so guilty . Instead of being by her side and love her I...maybe Archie was right,maybe I.. I really drag Juliet in my darkness too but I.. I try,I really do I swear ,I do,she..she is my daughter and I would never wanted to do something that would hurt her,I love her so much.

But I gave her my word,I promised her that I would change,I'll try and change for her.The only thing that keeps me alive right now is that sleepy voice,calling me every morning when she wakes up,her laugh when we play together,when we draw together,her screams when she realise I have made pancakes, her warm hugs with those tiny arms,her giggles every time I tickle her ,God I,she means the world to me.

And I can say it to you all now that i kept my promise and today I'm 15 days clean,i haven't cut myself since the day before of Juliets party and...I'm proud of myself and let's hope I keep doing it.The only thing I can't help with is the sleep.Insomnia is driving me crazy.I haven't had a full hour of sleep for who knows how many days now.The pills are no longer helping and if...I say if I managed to close my eyes and sleep a nightmare is gonna terrorise and wake me up,me no longer able to sleep again.Well sometimes it helps me when i sleep with Juliet but..I don't wanna scare her every time I wake up shouting and sweating from a nightmare so...I don't do that anymore.And for the eating,let's just not go there.

So today was Saturday,thankfully my boss gave me two day off for the weekend so finally I had as much time as I wanted to spend with my princess.She woke up pretty early today,still shocked from that,she never wakes up so early.We ate breakfast and went for a walk at the park,we played a little.We also planned to go at Cheryl's in the evening so yea.Right now is like 1pm and I'm cooking lunch,spaghetti to be more specific,her favourite,while she is sitting on the couch watching cartoons,singing Spong Bob's theme song for the hundredth time.

J-Are ya ready kids?Aye aye captain.
   I can't hear youuuu!Aye Aye captain.
   Oooooooooo(she screamed jumping up and down on the sofa laughing,.She really warms my heart.)

Jug-Careful Jules,you'll get hurt.

J-im not Jules I'm Sponge Bob.

Jug-umm OK no comment.(I said laughing)

J-dont laugh,I'm dead serious.

Jug-ok,ok than Mr Sponge Bob.(I said and she continued watching the tv)

Well I think you understand how obsessed she is with that thing like...I know the episodes by heart so many times we have watched them.

Now the food was ready so I put the plates and the pasta pot on the table.

Jug-the lunch is ready princess.

J-yay finally,I'm starving.(she said and ran to the table,sitting on the chair starting eating)

J-dada you are getting so good at cooking.

Jug-ow really?I feel honored.


Jug-eat up now.

I said to her and so she did.To be honest I...I wasn't really..hungry at the moment,not that I have eaten anything today but...I...I can't eat it,i just can't, only by watching it I feel like throwing up.Well maybe...there is no big problem if I just skip this meal.

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