Deep breaths

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TW:SELF HARM(if this subject makes you uncomfortable please don't read this chapter)

Jugheads POV

It's been a while since me and Juliet finished making Archies birthday card and i was getting her ready because we were running really late,well i was trying to.

Jug-Come on baby ,please don't make this more difficult ,this dress is so beautiful why you don't want to wear it?

J-i don't like it,i vant the pink one.

Jug-well i don't know where that is so you have to wear this(i wish i had Betty here in these moments).

J-i told you no.

Jug-please princess,your dada is really tired ,wear this for tonight so we can go to the party and we'll search for it tomorrow .


Jug-Juliet come on.

J-if mama was here she would have cared and wanted to make me happy and wear me the one i want but you don't ,you're not like other dadas ,youre always crying and tired for whatever i tell you,i wish she was here now instead and i don't want to go at the party with you anymole.(she said in one breath,screaming)

(those words really broke me ,hearing her say that.... well she's a baby but they always say what they feel,right?And thats what she wanted ,her mama back ,her instead of me but believe me if i could turn back the time ,take Bettys place, i would have done it without second thoughts.All this pressure ,i...i couldn't keep it anymore ,i had to let it go somehow but....without Juliet here)

Jug-umm well you know your mommy is not here but what if i call auntie Cheryl instead ,she can dress you and then you can go with her at the party .


Jug-ok let me call her(meantime at the phone).

Ch-hey jug ,whats up?

Jug-umm hey Ch...cheryl c...can you

Ch-Jug you're okay?

Jug-yeah i'm fine its just....(takes deep breath)can you come here first ,so you could take Juliet at the party?

Ch-what?Why?Aren't you coming?

Jug-umm no i'm not,i'm not feeling very well.

Ch-okay,i'll be there in 10 minutes.

Jug-ok ,bye.

Jug-she'll be here in 10 minutes.


Jug-what?Won't you talk to me now?What i did even do?


Jug-okay ,do whatever you want ,don't talk to me (and then i left and went to the kitchen to drink a little water,all this with Juliet and ....and the dream made it more and more difficult ,what if i promised ,i promised to my baby girl i won't do it again....but...i just want it to stop ,to just stop ,no one is gonna realise it ..And then is when i was brought back to reality by the door,which meand Cheryl was here so i went and opened it)

Ch-hey jug.

Jug-hey,thank god you're here.

Ch-what happened?

Jug-well she has an hour upstairs yelling because she want to wear a pink dress that i don't know where the fuck is.

Ch-haha ok ok i'll go(while i saw Cheryl getting upstairs i went and collapsed on the sofa,i was so fucking tired right now.Ten minutes later Cheryl and Juliet came downstairs ,her wearing a yellow dress instead.

Ch-so ...we are leaving now.

Jug-okay girls have fun.

Ch-you sure you don't want to come?

Jug-yea,yea i'm just gonna sleep i'm not feeling very good.

Ch-okay then ,let's go,say bye to dada
(In the moment was a complete silence and Cheryl's confused face was looking at me)

Ch-ummm ok ,bye Jug see you.

Jug-bye ,have fun.

Ch-i'll call you later (she whispered and i nodded while the door closed)

Omg-i don't know what the fuck to do anymore ,i lost everything,i'm such a loser ,i can't even give to my little baby the life that she wants ,i'm a really bad father.She's right ,all i do is fucking be miserable all day ,i can't even give the happiness she deserves .My head was hurting so bad and all this thoughts ,i needed to let them aside for a moment .... and i knew exactly how.I got up and run upstairs into my bedroom and got into the bathroom.I got a box that i had hide under the towels a while ago because after the last incident they threw away all of them so...thankfully they didn't find these.I got one out and fell into the floor ,getting my sleeves up ,seeing all my old scars ,getting more and more memories from them and i started doing new ones.I have tried ,i swear ,i have tried to stop but i can't do it,this numbing feeling is like magic ,it takes all the pain away,while the razor draws lines into my arm ,soaking in blood.I wanted this for so long ,no ,i needed this ,to forget just for some minutes ,to leave everything behind .While getting to the other hand i started getting dizzy ,i knew it was time to stop but.....just one more and i did while i watched the blood getting into the floor...

Ch-omg Jug what are you doing?(and then out of nowhere i saw Cheryl with horror and tears into her eyes,immediately kneeling down next to me and getting the razor out of my hand throwing it away and taking me into her arms.

Ch-omg Jug ,why?Why are you doing this to yourself?Why are you hurting so much?

Jug-i....i'm so...sorry i...i did...didn't

Ch-shshsh its okay now,i'm here (she said and we stayed like that for some minutes )

Ch-umm let me clean and bandage this okay.

(i didn't say anything ,i just nodded.While Cheryl cleaned the cuts i asked)

Jug-wh...why did you came back?

Ch-Well....Juliet...while we were at the party i realised that she was really sad and...when i asked her why she explained to me and told me what she said to you and how sorry she was and how much she loves you .

Jug-r...really?She does?

Ch-of course she does stupid,she loves you more then everything in this world.(and then its when tears started escaping my eyes)

Jug-i..i just feel like i can't give her what she deserve ,like i'm not enough .

Ch-no Jug,no, you're the best father i have ever seen ,really and Juliet loves you so much for who you really are .

Jug-t...thanks Cheryl.

Ch-always Jug,you're my best friend.Now come on let's get you to sleep.(she said and helped me up and getting into the bedroom )

Ch-goodnight Jughead if you want anything i'll be downstairs and i'm gonna bring Juliet in the morning.

Jug-ok goodnight ...and Cheryl ?


Jug-tell her that i love her too (she didnt say anything,she just smiled and closed the door, then the tiredness of the day consumed me).


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