Wish you were here.

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Jughead's POV

Today was a new day but i couldn't stop thinking of  what happened yesterday all night ,i was getting crazy,i....i was almost getting a panic attack and i.....i...i cutted.I know ,i know it was wrong and that i promised but...i couldn't stop myself ,i just wanted the pain to get away.Everything is getting against me.
Anyway i wanted to started this day leaving all of these behind so i got up from the bed got ready and i went to Juliets room to wake her up.

Jug-goodmorning beautiful.

I said and got closer to her and then i saw that she was crying.

Jug-baby,hey,hey whats wrong?(i said but she didn't said anything)

Jug-please baby,tell me what happened?Did you saw a nightmare?(i said and she nodded)

Jug-ow baby,come here.(i said and hugged her)

Jug-shhh its over now,don't worry ,i'm here .

J-i....i saw t...that y...you l..left a...and i was alone.

Jug-hey baby,look at me,i will never ever leave you princess,never,i promise you.


Jug-yea baby?

J-i love you.

Jug-me too baby,me too....now,wipe those tears from your beautiful eyes and get up,i have to get to work and you are going to autnie Cheryl until tomorrow and also ....i have preparations to do for tomorrow.I think its someones birthday!!!


Jug-ow really?

J-yeah ,i'm getting six.

Jug-What?Already?I thought you were still three...

J-Dada,noooo(she said and  slapped me gently me in the shoulder)

Jug-ouch that hurted (i said pretending to be hurt but she  started laughing)

J-yea,yea i believed you.

Jug-come on now,i need to go i'm really late.

J-can't we stay here together?

Jug-Jul,please baby.

J-but we don't spend so much time together anymore,i miss you .

Jug-i know baby,i know me too but....i have to work,to make money ,how else are we gonna live?

J-uff okay.

She said and after she got up i helped her getting ready.We ate together breakfast until i heard a knock on the door.

Jug-ow that must be Cheryl,come on take your backpack.

I said while she got her things and i opened the door.

Ch-Morning Jug.

Jug-Good morning Cheryl.

Ch-How are you today?

Jug-How can i be?I'm trying at least.

Ch-Jug don't..(Cheryl tried to say but Juliet came running to her)

J-Morning Auntie.

Ch-Goodmorning sunshine.

Jug-Sooo...thanks for looking after my little baby here.

J-eyy i'm not a baby.

Jug-yeah sure.

Ch-no problem,anytime ...so now ...say bye to dada.

J-bye,love you.

Jug-love you too,see you tomorrow.

She said and then they left.I closed the door and went to take my bag and left for work.My head was killing me and i had so many things in my mind right now and things to do that i'm starting to loose it.The thing with Alice and "dad",Archie ,i dont know what to do anymore.Also i am late and definitely i had to run.Since the accident with Betty i hadn't courage to get into the car ,its just there in the garage,i never got it out....it just brought so many memories so i always walk to work or let's say run.

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