A day to forget!!

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⚠️This part includes trigger warnings ahead,please if anything feels triggering to you skip this part!!!


The next couple of weeks weren't the easiest but not unbearable.There were countless sleepless nights,nightmares has been haunting me.I really need to find a way to stop them before they drive me crazy,its just...they are way to painful to remember,they look really...real.

I also...have been having some problems at work.... im trying my best to keep good terms with my boss, i really need those money so we could live.The plus hours at Pops were way to little to keep a home and raise a kid so....but I was managing.

And for the other part....I can say that i was doing quite better.I haven't been cutting for fifteen days and...I really don't feel the need to.Things have been passing quietly,I have been mostly at work in the mornings and with Jules the remaining day.We have had quite fun.I know that I have been dragging her into my problems way too much and I don't want my little baby girl to suffer because of me and my stupid mind so.... I'm trying my best to spend as much time I can with her in the best way possible,like going to the park,cooking, watching cartoons etc....and to be honest it has really helped me too.In that way I got my mind off and had finally a bit fun and peace with my "princess".

Right now it's another long night where I'm just out off my bed,starring at the stars.My mind traveling somewhere.Its almost 4:15 AM when I started hearing crying so I ran out of my room and into Juliets.

J-hey baby girl,what's wrong?(I said as I got in and ran to her and got her to my arms)

J-did you see a nightmare?(I asked but she just shook her head)

J-mm than what?Please tell me what's wrong.

Jul-m..my head(she said crying)

And when i heard her say this i realized she was burning.

J-oh baby you're running a fever.Dont worry ,it's okay. Here,lay down as I go and get the thermometer(I said giving her a kiss in the head and layed her down again)

I ran downstairs getting what I needed and got back to her room.We both waited for the thermometer to go off quietly and as it did,I took it,signing nervously,it was really hight but..she didn't need to know that.

J-baby,it's a bit high,not something to worry about okay?!You have to take your medicine though.(I said to her softly, only for her to start crying more)

Jul-i don't want it...

J-Jules,baby, you have to.If you don't the temperature is gonna get higher and you won't be able to eat ice-cream again,do you want that?(I told her,the only thing that came into my mind in that moment ,knowing she was gonna go with Cheryl in the park for ice-cream when I was at work tomorrow)

Jul-but it's...dis...disgusting dada.

J-i...I know but it's gonna make you feel better so...(I said and filled the spoon that I got from the kitchen earlier with the syrup)

J-here you go...a plane is coming into its destination and...(I said playfully moving the spoon around and into her mouth as she swallowed it,making a strange face)

J-thats my brave girl(I said and caressed her hair)

Jul-dadaa,my head hurts(she said to me as her little hands hugged me)

J-i know baby but....now that you took the syrup, you're gonna be better.You have to sleep now,dada is gonna be here if you need anything, okay?

Jul-okay(she said and layed down as I covered her with the blankets)

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