Nightmares-memories from the past

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Jugheads POV

It was 2 hours later now making the card for Archie and i can say we were doing a really good job.We were laughing and having a really good time coloring.

J-dada put on glitter ,a lot of it ,i want it colorful .

Jug-yea,yea look (i said putting more glitter on the paper)

J-its pelfect dada(in the moment when she tried to catch the colored pencils she shoved the glass off the table.)

J-oo i'm sorry ,i..i...m not going to do lat again (and thats when everything came back,these words brought me back to the nightmare i had earlier)

It was like i have turned back to the house ,my childhood house with my "parents".I was so terrified and it looked like i was sleeping in my room until my mom came inside


Jug-w...what(i said sleepy)


Jug-mom,i...i dont understand for what are you talking about

G-aa so you dont know ,ok then(she said and grapped me from my hair pulling me out of my bed taking me to the kitchen .

G-whats all this?( ow shit in that moment i realised that i had fallen asleep without doing the chores for the day.I was so tired and dizzy that i forgot)

Jug-mom i...i wasnt feeling good and i..i...w..was really tired to do them...

G-so you werent feeling good ?ok wait until your fathers come home and you'll see.(in the moment shivers ran all over my body because i knew how things  would end,like they always did.

Jug-mom...p...please dont tell dad h...he is gonna g..g...get really mad again.

G-do i look like i care to you ,maybe its a really good time for another lesson. please(and in the moment the door of the house opened revealing a really mad Fp)

G- finally you're home 

Fp-ou look look who we got here(he said coming closer to me.I can say that dad never loved me,he hates me so much with his heart,not knowing why.He use to find the smallest excuses to beat the crap out of me and for the most of the moments he didnt needed anything at all)

Fp-i got a phonecall from your principal today.To tell the truth i dont care what he said for you and why you left school bc you were sick ,what i care about is that i got interupted from a really important bussiness which didnt ended as i wished and do you know why?


Fp-DO YOU KNOW WHY?(he said screaming into my ear)

Fp-because of a worthless piece of shit that i have as a son that cant do anything right. i..

Fp-shut the hell up when i'm talking how many time do i have to remind you(he said slapping me hard in my face)

G-he also didnt do what we told him for today.





Jug-dad pl..please d..dont do this...i...wasn't... feeling....g..good

Fp-so you continue talking ?ok what do you say for this as a lesson for today .You will never disobey us ever again and you will do every fucking think we'll say (he said while he was unclipping his belt and fear consumed my body.As he came near me i tried to walk back until my back touched the wall)

Jug-dad...p...p..please do..dont(and in the moment his leather belt came in contact with my bare shoulders.)

Fp-I TOLD YOU TO SHUT UP(he said while he was hitting me harder and harder all over my body)

Fp-you worthless piece of shit(he was hitting me so hard that my knees couln't take it anymore and i collapsed to the floor but that didnt stopped him .He continued hitting me ,his belt hitting in the same places for the third and fourth time ,me screaming and sobbing from the extremely pain that i felt,tears staining my red cheeks from the slapes ,while dad was hitting me unconditionally and mom watching with cold eyes ,like she enjoyed it. coulnt take any other word out of my mouth,i was in so much pain that i started feeling numb and then he stoped ,my torture ended for the day.)

Fp-i think that's enough for todays lesson and....other time don't you dare to act like that to us because this will look like a game.Do you hear me?(  in the moment i couldn't move  and talk so i just layed there on the cold floor)

Fp-DO YOU HEAR ME?(he said again now grapping me by my hair)


Fp-good now get up and bring me a glass of water(he said and went to the living room while i was still on floor and mom long gone to the bedroom)

Fp-i said NOW(i tried to stand up at first but failed ,witching in pain but the second time i made it balancing myself to the table.My back was burning as all my body ,coverded by blood.Slowly i made my way to the living room with the glass but as i tried to give it to him it slipped off my hand to the floor breaking into pieces .

Jug-i..i..i am so..sorry,i..i'm not g...going to do th...that again

Fp-you fucking worthless (he said and in the moment he catched me by my flannel and  crawling me to the cold ,dark basement letting me in the floor)

Fp-lets hope when we fucking get you out of here you would have changed a little(he said and closed the door.I stood there crawled and shaking from the cold and the pain,without water and food)

Back to present

I remember that day like it was yesterday.They fucking left me there for 4 whole days without anything.Hungry,thirsty and frozen.I lived in that house ,getting 16 fucking years abused by them ,not telling anyone.I didnt realised i was crying until i felt tiny hand around me.

J-dont cry dada,please i love you and i'm soly baby it's not...not your fault

J-you otay now?

Jug-yea princess ammm......lets continue okay?

J-otay(I never forgot that days,i remember them with the smallest details possible .These people destroyed my life ,the ones that were meant to be the ones that would love and care about me but in my part they were the opposite).

Hey guys!!Hope you are doing well.Thats the 5th part of this book ,hope you like it.😘

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