Wake up

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TW-This part contains mentions of suicide,panic attack, adult language, bulling and abuse.If any of this is triggering for you please skip this part.


T-so kids,I want the project done until next monday,please pay attention to it cuz its really important.And also I want to make you all groups of two so you could work together.

Our teacher said and everyone started talking back and asking the teacher if they could choose the other person.Different names were heard in the small classroom,everyone was chatting with each other exept of me.No  one asked the teacher for me to be their partner,well no one cared that I was there at all.Everyone wanted to choose someone as fast as they could because no one wanted to be paired with the school's looser,outsider.

T-enough,and no, I'm gonna choose who's gonna work with who.

R-Ugh ok,just don't pair me with the freak.(Reggie said and everyone else started laughing turning to me)

T-Reggie enough,all of you,what's with this attitude?Ok so...Archie you are gonna work with...Veronica.

A-yes(Archie said and sended Veronica a kiss)

T-Reggie you are with Josie.

R-ugh thank God.

T-Cheryl you are with Keller...

And that's how she continued.Everyone started getting paired while I was staying at the end of the classroom,anxiously waiting for my turn.

T-and Betty you are with....um Jughead.

The teacher said and I raised my head immediately staring at her,the most beautiful girl I have ever seen.I have never had the opportunity to talk to her but she looks so sweet and kind,that's why I try to stay away,a girl like her have nothing in common with someone like me but...I really like her.

As the class finished we all headed to the cafeteria,everyone sitting together in a table as I was all alone into mine.As i was eating I raised my head and started starring at Betty,she turned to me realising I was starring at her and I saw a little smile appearing into her face and I turned the smile back,well until Reggie started talking again.

R-ugh Cooper if I was in your place I would be really careful,a psychotic person like him,huh,you never know what he is capable of.In a moment he can be all kind and then click,he takes a knife and kills you,just like he did with Jason.(Reggie said and they all started laughing at me as i started trembling and tears were ready to leave my eyes)

B-Reggie enough.

R-ha just...look at him,over there all alone crying just like a baby.Oww Juggy do you wanna call your mommy to come and take you home?(he said and started laughing more)

R-ow I forgot,they don't care about you.Hahahaha.

Ch-Reggy stop.

R-or what?Is he gonna come and beat me up?Ha he can't even stand for himself or talk back,he is a fucking suicidal looser.

Reggie continued and now the tears were just going like waterfall as everyone froze from what Reggie said.

R-ow sorry Juggy,shouldn't I have said that?Mm sorry too late.(he said and started laughing again)

That's it,enough,I couldn't do this anymore so I just took my bag and started running out of the cafeteria but as I did I heard Reggie saying again.

R-hey looser,try to do it correctly this time,you'll do us all a favor.

He said and with that I turned back to him.Him and his jocks still laughing while Cheryl,Archie and Veronica had an apologising and sad expression,and in the corner Betty,ready to cry.

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