Flickering flame

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TW⚠️:This part contains description of   abuse and adult language.Please if this subject is triggering for you or if you feel uncomfortable skip this part.


It really looked like everything around me got paused,every sound ,every move.The tic tac of the lighter was echoing in the dinner, sending shivers down my body as I felt it once again being on fire,every single mark burning and screaming for rest.Memories,so many memories running through my mind,so painful and raw in the those horrific nights in our so called little home.And in these moments, everything around me got lost and I was moved back,back to the day I desperately am trying to forget,cause after that day I realized in how much danger I was in.


J-so...I wanted to say that you were amazing in the show today ,shining like a star.Im so proud of you.

B-aww Juggy you're making me blush ,stop.

J-well,what if I want to see you with those red cheeks of yours ,it makes you look cute,just so you know(I told her as we both were starring at the moon until she moved a bit to the left and starred back at me,her gold hair shining under the moons light and her eyes felt like waves crashing each other)

B-come onnn,stop!!!(she said laughing)

J-okay,okay i'll stop....for now.


J-im kidding...come here now(i said and took her into my arms)

B-Uuff... it's kind of cold tonight,don't you think?!!!(she said and held me tighter)

J-yea it is...here...(I said and got off my jacket,putting it in her shoulders)

J-it will keep you warm.

B-but Jug,its freezing!!!You are only in a sweater.

J-shhhhhh,it's okay.I'm gonna be fine as long as you're okay(I said and kissed her hair)

B-Jug(she whispered to me)

J-shhh just...let's just enjoy this night.Listen...come here and close your eyes (I told her and got her in front of me,me wrapping my arms around her body,keeping her in a tight grip and placed my head in her shoulder,feeling her body relax in my arms and close her eyes)

J-just..feel.Feel this moment, this cold air...isn't it...amazing?!Just being here..together?!How it feels...


A smile appeared in my face as I got her response.Because right now...we are just two souls,entwined on this breathtaking cliff, our embrace filled with love and passion.With closed eyes,we savor the cool night breeze as the stars twinkle above us,bearing witness to our eternal love and nothing else prevailing in this magical moment.

B-Jug....(she whispered to me)

J-yea Betts?!(I answered,our eyes still closed)

B-i just...I love you!(she said,her voice cracking and that's when I realized tears were appearing in her eyes)

J-oh Betts...

B-i just....I don't know how we got ourselves into all this mess.(she said and moved out of my grip so we can be face to face and she took my hands into hers)

B-i...i love you Jug,so much.I don't want this moment to end ,ever.I wanna stay here with you forever, away from everyone and everything.I want...I want to have a life with you, build a house as we want.... with a garden and...and a big library,work together as writers but most importantly i....want to have kids....I wanna get old with you by my side seeing our little babies grow up ,is that a lot to ask?!(she said crying now)

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