Chapter 22 Payback

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"What the? What is going on?" Ivy panicky looked at Nesby to witness the transformation of Nesby.

"What are you going to talk about? I had enough of what you told me. From the words you have said that hurt me that literally made my life a running nightmare till all of the mistreatment I got from you. Don't you even think what you have done wrong?"

Ivy was shocked to hear what Nesby told her, but before she can say anything, Nesby continued to spill the hot tea: "You know, I actually regret being friends with you in the first place. My life got ruined because of you and right now, I am going to regain the things I wanted from you,"

While Nesby was continuing her sentence, she closed her eyes again as the spice is not fully gone yet. It made her tears continue to flow and Ivy took this opportunity to add fuel to the current situation.

"Oh no, what are you trying to say all along? You have to be disrupted by the spice, huh?"
This sentence provoked Nesby as she no longer holds back her anger and walked over to Ivy with a very fierce atmosphere. No matter how Kasumi called her to calm down, Nesby didn't hear anything and still walked to Ivy.

Suddenly, Nesby grabbed Ivy's collar and pulled her to somewhere. While pulling, Nesby walked to a wall and when she reached, she threw Ivy to the side of the wall and put one of her hands to the wall.

"Since you never know your mistakes, let me help you to wake up in this case," Nesby looked at Ivy with a terrifying glare.

At first, Kasumi thought that Nesby was going to take care of Ivy with her nunchucks. However, Kasumi soon got shocked when Nesby took out a knife from her jacket,"

"Oh, crap,"

"Boss," Kiya and Ellis shouted.

"Girls, don't come here. I should be able to control this," Ivy told them to stay away.

"Right now, with this knife in my hand, you have two choices, apologize or die under this knife," Nesby kept the knife closer to Ivy.

However, Ivy didn't apologize as she said: "What should I even apologize for? I didn't make any mistakes, so I shouldn't be sorry for this,"

"I don't like this answer," Nesby was furious.


"I am not satisfied. I'm going to give you one last chance, or else you can just go die," Nesby proceeded to put the knife close to Ivy's neck.

"You know what? I 'enjoy' my life and I 'enjoy' bullying you this whole time, but I still wanted to enjoy my rich life, so I would just say sorry in this case,"

Despite the apology, Nesby decided to tell Ivy something that is sensitive to her since her apology wasn't sincere enough. It all started before the match, Kasumi was scrolling through her phone when she found something on the internet.

"Wait, why is the internet filled with this?" Kasumi asked in a confused tone.

"Take a look,"

From the picture, it shows a girl with her face blurred out. Despite that, Nesby was able to tell the person inside the picture, who happens to be Ivy.

"Wait, click the picture and take a look?" Nesby told Kasumi.

Once they clicked on the text that was below the picture, an article appeared along with Ivy's old look. According to the article, Ivy did a lot of illegal activities such as taking illegal drugs, smoking and going to bars every night. This was the life of Ivy before she got more popular in school.

Then, the article continues by mentioning how Ivy orders one of her friends, Ellis to remove all of the articles that have relation to her participation in illegal activities on the internet.

"Wait, when was all of this released?"

"Hmm, try checking on the date?"

Following Nesby's suggestion, Kasumi scrolled down to the article to find out the article's publication date, only to find out it was released hours ago.

"Wait a minute, it was released around the morning. So I guess someone got fed up with her behaviour and decide to make an article about it,"

"This might be something useful for me," Nesby said in a satisfied tone.

"Why would you say that?"

"Because the person I will be fighting in Guardian Hall is Ivy,"

"Wait, really? When are you planning to use it on?"

"Probably will use to provoke if she doesn't obey to whatever I told her to do," Nesby looked at the article one more time,"

"That might be a good idea actually,"

"Yeah, great idea, Kasumi,"

Back to the current situation, Nesby got something to tell Ivy as she said: "Since your apology wasn't sincere enough, let me tell you something,"

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