25.The New Change

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Before reading the chapter, please tell me in comments what do you think? Where Avu is taking Sid?

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Avu just took Sid's hand and started dragging him away. Sid was not getting what to say because of three reasons. First, he was embarrassed as his kurta was torn. Second, he was trying to figure out where Avu is taking him. Third, he was feeling butterflies in his stomach because Avu is holding his hand. 

Ri, who was watching all this, was very stunned by Avu's behavior. He looked down and saw their laptops and books open. He, without even thinking, shut them and put them in one bag and ran after Sid and Avu. He was thinking about what Avu was going to do with Sid. He saw Avu was dragging Sid to the parking lot. On the way, the people who were watching them were also laughing at Sid. And Sid was embarrsed. 

Ri(in mind): Will see these bastards later...

{Well, anyone here know how Ri got to know how to curse in English? So, the thing is of course Avu didn't tell them how to curse in English but she said them two ways to learn English. Those were reading English literature and second, watching hollywood movies and web series. Sid read the books. But what do you think Ri did? Of course he didn't read the books. Instead he watched loads of English movies and web series that now he also got to know about their accent and also got to know all the curse words}

Avu took Sid towards parking and went towards their car. 

Avu: Give me car keys.

Sid: Ha?

Avu: Can't you understand? Give me the car keys.

Sid (Getting scared because of her cold tone): But why?

(Ri came there. Avu was very angry. She pinned Sid to the door of their car)

Avu(angrily): Can't you understand a single thing? Your attire is torn. Don't you want to buy other one?

Sid: But I have many at home.

Avu: Did I ask anything about it?

(Sid nodded in no.)

Avu: Give me car keys.

Sid: They..

Ri: They are with me

Avu: Then what? Give me. Shall I send an invitation?

(Ri gave her the car keys. She sighed and sat in the car driver's seat.)

Avu: Now sit na. Why are you standing?

(Sid sat in front and Ri at the back. She started the car)

Sid: You know how to drive?

Avu: No I don't 

Ri: What? Then why are ...

(Avu just looked at him and he zipped his mouth for a long time. She took a deep breath and started driving. Sid and Ri were just silently sitting, not uttering a single word. They also got to know one thing that Avu drives very smoothly, even better than them. Avu took a left turn and they reached the biggest mall. They got down)

Avu: Let's go inside first.

(She said and walked in front. Sid and Ri just followed her not knowing what to do. She took them to the men section and went inside)

Tashan-E-Ishq -A Sidneet ffWhere stories live. Discover now