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Your first experience when you presented some thing in front of all the class or teachers. Did you get nervous?

Let's begin...

Next morning...
A fresh and new beginning for Sid. His most important project's submission is today. He got up at 6 am as usual. He looked around and saw all his stuff packed and his one formal dress was also pressed neatly. He looked at the table and found glass of milk there. He got to know who did this. He was about to get up but last day's incidents flashed in front of his eyes. He felt guilty for shouting at Avu and Ri for no reason.

He sighed and got up to get ready. He came down after getting ready and saw Ri sitting on sofa packing his bag pack for college. He was also ready. After that Ri got up and went in kitchen to take out breakfast. He placed it in two plates. Sid was watching all this. He felt very much guilty. Ri went and was about to place the plates on dining table but he noticed Sid standing there. He ignored and went to dining table.

Sid took out his bag and put it on sofa. He went towards Ri.

Sid: Ri..

(Ri ignored)

Sid: Ri please listen to me.. I am sorry. I never wanted to hurt you.

(Ri turned towards him)

Ri: I am not hurt.

Sid: but..

Ri: Ask sorry from Avneet. You hurted her a lot. She didn't even do any mistake. You shouted unnecessarily on her.

Sid: I will but..

Ri: Eat your breakfast and come out.

(He was about to go but Sid stopped him. His eyes were teary. Ri looked at him. Sid hugged him tightly)

Sid (with cracked voice) : Ri please talk to me. Please don't ignore me please. I am sorry. I won't repeat this again. Please Ri. I will do whatever you want. Please talk to me...

(Ri sighed and hugged him back. Sid felt relief. They broke the hug.)

Ri: It's ok. Ask sorry from bhabhi

(Sid nodded)

Ri: Let's go SN ji. You have meeting today. All the very best bro. You are gonna nail it.

(Sid chuckled. They ate their breakfast and went to college. Sid was feeling nervous as it was the first time for him to do something big. Ri was with him. He was also guilty to shout at Avu. So, he was not concentrated much. They reached college. As soon as they reached Sid's eyes started searching for Avu. He was looking here and there)

Ri: I don't think she will come today.

(Sid nodded sadly. He was very much sad. He wanted to see her face at least before his meeting. They attended their first lecture and then it was time for his meeting. One teacher called Sid in staff room)

Teacher: Are you ready?

Sid : Yes ma'am

Teacher: Nice. I will call you in some time. There are some experts yet to come at meeting hall. Don't attend your lectures after this. Go and sit at the back of hall. All the best!

Sid: Ok ma'am thank you.

(Teacher smiled at him. He went and sat behind the meeting hall. Ri also went with him. He saw Sid was very nervous and was sweating)

Ri: Bro it's gonna be ok. Why are you taking tension.?

Sid: No Ri. I am nervous

Ri: Arey but why the project is too good. Don't worry.

(Sid nodded. Just then some teacher called Ri to give some pen drive so that he can filled it with his own project. Ri cursed teacher under his breath and went. Sid chuckled at him. He was sitting tapping his feet constantly on floor. He was sweating badly and was very nervous. His eyes were closed. Just then he felt some one sit beside him. He looked beside to find Avu sitting with a smile on her face. Her eyes were puffy but she managed to maintain a perfect smile on her face. Sid was shocked to her here.)

Sid: Avneet..

Avu: Shh.

Sid: Avneet I am sor..

Avu: We will talk about this later.

(She said very softly. She looked at his sweaty forehead and understood his condition)

Avu(very soft voice) : Siddharth don't be nervous. It's going to be fine.

(As soon as Sid heard her soft yet concern filled voice, he calmed down)

Avu: Are you nervous?

(He sighed and nodded)

Avu: Close your eyes

(He did)

Avu: Now just remember the days you were working on this project. Remember your hard work. The way you handled everything. The way you completed it.

(He did)

Avu(very softly) : Now open your eyes

(He opened. She put her hand on his hand softly. She took out her handkerchief from her purse and started wiping his sweat. He was just looking at her)

Avu: If you are nervous then just think of the worst consequences that can happen today. The worst will be like your project got rejected. It's totally fine. You can work on the another project. Just think of it. Worst of worst will be this. Then why to worry? You have worked so hard. You have done it honestly and now you just have to present your work in front of all. That's it. You have to win from yourself only. Think of the previous days. How you started learning everything. You are very brave and clever. You learnt everything so quickly. Now you have to put all those things and your efforts inside there. That's it. Nothing else. Ok?

(Sid was dumbfounded after listening to her. She literally gave him all the courage he lost. He smiled slightly and nodded)

Avu(holding his hand very softly) : I trust you. I know you will do it. I have faith in you. All the very best for it!!!

Sid: Thank you

(Sid was very much happy to listen to her. He got courage by her talks. He felt relief and he got calmed.)

Sid : What if I got stuck some where?

Avu: If you get stuck then just don't let it affect your further presentation. It will cause problem. It's ok if you stuck. They will not eat you. Remember the one who are sitting inside have gone through your phase and they can understand your situation. They will not judge you if you get stuck in middle. Instead they will encourage you to move ahead.

(Sid nodded sighing)

Avu: All the best!

Sid(looking deeply in her eyes) : Thank you

(Avu gave him her prettiest and courageous smile. He got a new energy and he got ready to face the further things. Ri, who saw all this from outside was just thinking God to make his besties meet a girl like Avu.)

Teacher: Siddharth please come inside.

Sid : Yes ma'am

Avu: Go and do it.

(Sid looked at her and nodded. She smiled and encouraged him. He turned and sighed heavily. p
Putting on a charming smile on his face, he entered the meeting hall. Avu sat there only waiting for him to finish this.)
Will Sid do it?
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Tashan-E-Ishq -A Sidneet ffWhere stories live. Discover now