55. Intense

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Suddenly, Avu moved a bit in a jerk but as Sid was rubbing her waist his hand slipped inside her shorts and touched her lower skin. Both got shocked. Their eyes widened. Sid quickly removed his hand and sat straight. 

Sid(to Avu): Avu I am sorry. I am sorry. It happened by mistake. I am sorry. I didn't know that you will move. Sorry for making you uncomfortable. You can punish me but please forgive me I am sorry.... 

And he was blabbering.. Avu looked at him and rolled her eyes. She looked at Ri and Anu to see now Anu was sitting on Ri's lap and Ri was caressing her hair and also making her eat, the popcorns. She smiled at them. She again looked at Sid to see now Sid was looking down. She sighed. She went close to him and removed his hands from his lap. Sid got confused. She went and sat on his lap. Then she took his hands and put one inside her shirt and another she put on her lap. She sat cmfortably and took a blanket and wrapped it around them. 

Avu: Did I say I got uncomfortable? Was I angry on you touching me? No na. Then shut up. I like it when you touch me. Now make me feel goodie goodie. 

She said with a pout. Sid looked at her and smiled. She went up and kissed his cheeck and sat down. Sid flushed. He sat leaning on the sofa and made Avu sat a bit more close to him. He already had his hands inside Avu's shirt which was making them feel hot. He dugged his face in Avu's nake and inhaled her fragrance. Avu was watching the movie. One of the end of the blanket which was inside was disturbing Avu on her left inner thigh. She started moving because of it. But she didn't know what in reality is she doing. Here, Sid was trying t control while taking deep breaths. At a point, he stopped and made her also stop. 

Sid: Avu please stop. What are you doing?

Avu: Oh god Sid this hem of the blanket is irritating me. 

Sid: Where?

Avu: here....

With one of her hands she led Sid's hand towards the spot where the blanket was touching her. Sid's eyes widened as he touched her inner thigh.He got stilled. 

Avu(irritated): come on now rub it nah.. 

Sid: What???????

He got shocked but Avu was irritated. 

Avu: What the fuck Sid? It's irritating.

Sid: Yeah wait

Sid rubbed her skin to make her irritation eased. She sighe in relifef. 

Avu: yup now it's fine 

Sid (whispered): But i am not... 

Avu(confused): ha?

She soon realized what all happened when the effect of it was poking her from the backside. Her eyes widened as she felt Sid's hard junior was now totally turned on. She gulped and looked at Sid who was just sitting there helplessly. She grinned meekly. Sid was taking deep breaths trying to calm down but it was not happening. Avu felt sad for him. To console him she leaned close but again because of that he got turned on more. Sid sighed in irritation as his effors got lost.  

Avu: I am sorry Arth... I.. 

Sid(cuts her): It's ok 

He was getting a lot more affected because of their closeness. His hand which was on Avu's inner left thigh had now started moving. Avu gasped. Sid's other hand was going up from her stomach towards her chest. He was slowly rubbing her body which was making her turned on. He was shamelessly moving his hands on her body. They had their eyes closed but they got open when they heard a noise. They looked at Anu and Ri to see now they both were lying on the sofa beside each other cuddling and still focused on the movie and the noise that Anu made was because Ri stoppped caressing her and now he gain started. Sid and Avu ignored them. Sid took it as a good chance and got up from the sofa with Avu in his arms with the blanket. He took her to his room. On the way Avu was just looking at him. He put her down and went to close the door. He came towards Avu who was staring him. 

Sid: Come 

He said this and just threw her on the bed and hovered over her kissing her hungrily. Avu kissed him back. Meanwhile his hand was unbuttoning her shirt. He entered his hand inside her shirt and put on her breasts over her bra. Avu moaned out loud as she felt his hard touching her inner parts. Sid was kissing her very hungrily. Avu was catching up the speed but she couldn't so she gave up. She held his shirt and tried opening the buttons. She opened them and put her hands inside touching his abs and chest shamelessly. 

Sid lost his control now. He explored her mouth and broke the kiss. He was about to kiss her on her neck but Avu hold him and flipped them sitting upon him. He sat on his waist in such a way that her thighs are completely crushing his junior. He groaned. She smirked and pulled off her shirt making her lacy bra visible to him. She bend down and started eating him face, neck, chest, etc. He was holding her as she was moving a lot making his condition a lot more miserable. She was wild more than Sid as she gave him so many hickies (deep ones) on his neck and chest. She wasn't acting mature at all now. She was just getting more and more wild. Sid finally made her lay down beside him but she groaned. Sid put his arm behind her back and pulled her closer crushing her breasts in between them. She gasped. Sid's nazar fell on her breasts and his eyes got wild. He looked at Avu to see her smirking. He put his hand on her face and moved it down till her cleavage. He was kissing every part of her face and neck where his hand is touching. Finally he moved his hand down and started kissing her cleavage hungrily. She moaned out loud as she shivered. She pushed Sid's head more and more into her chest. Sid's hand reached the hook of her bra. He stopped and looked at her. She rolled her eyes as he stopped. He was taking his hands off her but she pulled him closer and kissed him hungrily taking off her bra hook from her one hand. Sid's eyes were closed as she was kissing him. When they broke the kiss, that time his eyes fell on her breasts. He got shocked seeing her half naked giving herself completely to him. He smiled at her and slowly kissed her breasts and d put her bra on again. She groaned. 

Avu: Siddddddddddddddddd

Sid: Shhh Chup. We are not doing anything 

Avu: but why

Sid: No Avu it's wrong

Avu: Accha? And when you were touching me shamelessly with your hard junior that wasn't wrong?

Sid: Woh .. ab... You were moving a lot and that's why I got turned on. 

Avu: huh 

She turned back sadly. Her bra hooks were still not hooked. Sid sighed and hooked her bra back and made her wear her shirt. She was not looking at him. Sid smiled at her cute pout and pecked her. He curled up to her and cuddled her giving her his warmth. They slept like that only while Sid caressing her hair and kissing her in between. 

Tashan-E-Ishq -A Sidneet ffWhere stories live. Discover now