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They went to canteen after their some lectures were over. Kavya was no where to be seen till now. They were sitting on their regular table. Avu was in washroom and Sid and Ri were sitting on the table waiting for her to come so that they can eat. Ri was gettiing impatient looking at the soft pizza. 

Sid: Ri if you are hungry then you can eat. I am waiting for her.

Ri: Yes yes pyaar bhare asshiq. I am also waiting. 

(He said rolling his eyes to which Sid chuckled. After some minutes Avu came there.)

Avu: Let's eat

(She said picking up the pizza which Sid snatched from her)

Avu: Arth what is this behavior.

(Ri has started eating long back so was not paying attention to what they were saying)

Sid: It's not for you. It's for Ri only. We both are eating this daal chawal and juice

Avu: What but why?

Sid: Because it's not good for you these days. So, now start eating. 

Avu: Ughhhhhhhhhh This is so not done.

Sid: It's ok. No issues. But think about it. If you eat daal Chawal, you can get chocolates after that.

(Without even waiting for micro seconds, Avu started eating daal chawal. Sid also chuckled and started eating daal chawal. Ri was not present there. I mean yeah he is present there but mentally he was in his pizza land. So, no need to disturb him I guess. They completed eating and started to go for remaining last class. The day passed like this. At the end Sid and Ri dropped Avu after Sid giving her plenty of chocolates. Sid and Ri drove to their home. They were tired because of the drama so they slept, Sidneet, thinking about each other and Ri, probably promising himself not to fall for anyone again but he didn't know that his life is gonna take 360 degree turn soon.)

Next morning... 
New morning and new hope of happiness in three of their lives. Avu has done with her periods so she was extremely happy and was now stable with no more mood swings. She was happy for one more reason and was excited as well. Sid was as always happy thinking about his love. Ri was now feeling relaxed after the stress of previous day. We can say that he is over from it but still he was feeling a slight angry on himself for falling for that selfish girl. But he was now happy that there is no tension in his life. Just study and enjoy. 

They three reached their college. They were in canteen.The college's electricity has gone so their first lecture was off as still the generator was facing some issues to start.  Avu was excited all the time. Sid and Ri noticed her changed behavior so thought to ask her.

Ri: Avu can you please tell us what is there to get excited when the light is gone?

(Avu giggled. Sid and Ri were confused)

Avu: That i....

(She was about to say something but someone came there and interrupted them.)

Sm1: Hi Avu...

(They looked behind and saw Vihaan standing there with his evergreen monkeyish smile. Ri and Sid rolled their eyes at him. Sid because he was jealous and Ri because he doesn't like him. Avu smiled awkwardly at him)

Avu: hi...

(Vihaan came there)

Sid(cold tone): It's Avneet for you...

Vihaan : Who are you to tell me?

(Ri was getting frustrated)

Sid: I am her best friend. 

Tashan-E-Ishq -A Sidneet ffWhere stories live. Discover now