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Next day...
Sid and Ri went to college to find some students fighting over something. Sod ignored thinking it must be something small fight. But Ri being the most excited thought to go there. He grinned ear to ear and was about to go towards them but Sid held him.

Ri: Let me go na..

Sid: No need. It will stop in some time. But if you go there then surely it will not stop till next weekend.

Ri: You are insulting me.

Sid: Well if you think so then yes I am. Now sit here only

(He made him sit on their usual table and sat beside him. Ri was having frown. Sid chuckled and started doing his work on his phone. Just then Avu and Anu entered making both of them happy. Sid saw Avu and smiled. Ri saw Anu and smiled as well unknowingly.)

Sid: Come Sit

(They sat there)

Anu: What is going on their?

Sid: Don't know some fight. Maybe will stop in some time

(They nodded)

Ri: Anyways. What you want to have?

(They ordered and were eating when one of student fall on their table and hit Anu because of which the spoon which was in Anu's hand got inserted in her other hand. All widened their eyes)

Avu: Anu...

(She went to the crying Anu. She was sobbing as the spoon/fork was still in her hand. Sid quickly threw that student away from there and went to her. Ri was stunned and was feeling bad for Anu)

Avu: Sid do something....

Sid: Wait we have to pull it out first.

(Avu was rubbing her back to comfort her. Sid tried to take it out but she winced kn pain. Ri couldn't control and went to them)

Ri: Sid let me try....

(Sid nodded and they both were observing it. They could see some of her veins are stuck in there.)

Ri (shouted) : Someone call ambulance fast

(Anu was crying and crying. Ri closed his eyes and held the spoon and pull it out with a big force causing her hand to bleed more and more and she got a big wound. She screamed loudly. Her veins got cut in between and at last she fainted. They got scared. Soon the ambulance came and they' took her hospital. They admitted her and were waiting outside.

Ri was having blood on his shirt. Sid and Avu were also there. Avu was crying and Sid was consoling her. Ri was getting red minute by minute. He got up to leave)

Ri: I will come in some time

(With that he went from there. After some time doctor came out)

Doctor: Her some veins broke. That's why she fainted. But no worries she will be fine in some days. We have bandaged her wound and made some stitches on her hand. Be careful and take care. She is conscious. You can meet her.

(They nodded sighing heavily. Avu and Sid went inside and saw Anu. Avu hugged her)

Anu: I am fine.

(They nodded and sat there. Door opened revealing Ri in not so good state. They got confused. But he ignored and came near Anu)

Ri: Are you ok?

Anu: Yes. Thank you for saving me

(Ri just nodded)

Ri(to Sidneet) : What doctor said?

(Sid told him. After some time they went for a coffee. Anu was sleeping. Avu asked Ri to go home and get changed. He did. Avu told about this to her parents. They were out of station so asked her to take care of Anu. Sid consoled Avu making her feel good with him. Ri reached back and went towards Anu directly.)

Two days later...
Anu got discharged. Now the main question where to take her because Sonia was not at home to take care of her.

Sid: You both can come at our home na. When your parents will come back then you can go back again.

Ri: Yeah let's go..

(He said holding Anu's hand.)

Avu: Wait let me ask my parents at least na.

(She called her mom and told her. She said ok.)

Avu: Ok Ri take her home. Me and Sid can go at my home and take my and Anu's clothes and come back.

(Ri nodded and slowly made Anu sit in car and went home. sidneet also went for Avu's home)

Tashan-E-Ishq -A Sidneet ffWhere stories live. Discover now